Introduction to Azure Functions

Beyza Ozgur
4 min readJan 14, 2024


In this post, we will explore the concept of Azure Functions and highlight key scenarios where they can be effectively used.

What is Azure Functions?

Azure Functions is a serverless cloud computing service provided by Microsoft. It eliminates the cost of deployments and server maintenance, and thus helps developers to focus on code and system design. The code that is defined in the function executes automatically in response to specific events and triggers.

Image Source:


Event Trigger Functions

Azure Functions supports various event trigger types. For example, the trigger can be an HTTP request, a change in a database, a change in a document etc.

Multiple Language Support

An Azure Function project can be created using different programming languages including C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and PowerShell. Additionally, different functions within the same project can be written in different languages.

Serverless Architecture & Flexible Scaling

Azure Functions can automatically scale resources to respond to high traffic or large workloads.

Integration & Bindings

Azure Functions can be easily integrated with other Azure services such as Azure Storage, Azure Event Hubs, Azure Service Bus, Azure Cosmos DB or external services.


Azure Functions can be secured using Azure Active Directory authentication and authorization methods that enforce multi-factor authentication, and allow/restrict access to users.

Monitoring & Logging

Azure Functions provides tools to monitor and debug your functions. It allows you to monitor the performance and status of functions.

Cost Effective

Azure Functions offers consumption based pricing. You only pay for the resources that are used during function executions.

Azure Function Trigger Types

A trigger is an event or an occurrence that initiates the execution of a function. Trigger type must be selected before creating an Azure Function project.

Here are some common types of triggers in Azure Functions:

  • Timer Trigger triggers the function at specific time intervals using a timer set by developer.
  • HTTP Trigger triggers the function when an HTTP request is received.
  • Blob Trigger triggers the function when a change is detected in Azure Storage, or a new blob is added.
  • Event Hub Trigger triggers the function when new messages arrive at an Azure Event Hub.
  • Event Grid Trigger triggers the function when events are sent to an Azure Event Grid topic.
  • Queue Trigger triggers the function when a new message is added to an Azure Queue Storage.

State Management (Azure Function vs. Azure Durable Function)

Azure Functions provides microservice architecture and they are designed to be stateless. Each function is a stateless component, and runs independently of previous runs. The function data is reset at the end of each run, so there is no data transfer between function runs.

Azure Stateless Function — Image Source:

Depending on the needs of your application, you can also create stateful functions using the “Azure Durable Functions” concept.

It is an extension of Azure Functions and allows us to use built-in state management to orchestrate long-running operations and managing their state.

Stateful Durable Function — Output of one activity function can be used as an input of another activity function — Image Source:

Scenarios / Where to Use?

Here are some common scenarios in which different types of Azure Functions can be used to automate or simplify some tasks:

  • Web Application: HTTP Triggered Azure Functions can be used in web based operations such as registering to a website, signing in, creating content, e-mail verification…
  • Data Processing & Transformation: Azure Functions can be used to obtain meaningful data by processing and transforming data from various sources. For example, tasks like XML to JSON conversions and data extractions can be efficiently performed.
  • Microservices: Azure Functions allow you to use specific functions as services when implementing a microservices architecture, allowing you to divide your application into manageable components.
  • IOT Processing: Azure Functions can be used to process data from IOT devices such as processing sensor data or sending commands to the devices.
  • Data Storage: Azure Functions can be used to detect file changes or process new data entries in storage systems.
  • Periodic & Scheduled Tasks: Azure Functions can be used to automate tasks that need to be run at specific time intervals. Examples of this may include backing up data, creating reports, and cleaning data.
  • Application Integration: Azure Functions seamlessly integrate with other Azure services or third-party services, enabling operations such as writing data to databases, communicating with external APIs, and sending emails.

In conclusion, Azure Functions offers a scalable solution for modern application development in a serverless environment. It helps to eliminate server maintenance costs and frees up developers’ time to focus on the code. With Azure Functions, simple tasks can be automated, and services can be integrated seamlessly.

