Bezop Subscriber Announcement

Bezop Network
2 min readApr 24, 2018


1. Bezop Promoters

2. Domain changes

3. Exchange update

4. Security Notice (reminder from ICO)

Bezop Promoters

In the interest of full disclosure, John McAfee, coinmarketcap, Facebook and all other bezop promoters were all paid for the promotion of Bezop; this includes media buys, tweets, promoted posts and articles. These funds were both taken from Bezops marketing budget and some investments put forward by the team before the token sale. All Bezop members received a fraction of cryptocurrency for their services and bezop tokens held in until the end of six months from the closure of the ICO.

Domain Changes

Second, we want to notify you that we have secured the domain, a premium domain, for our use going forward.

Exchange Update

As you know, the exchange application process is a long, rigorous and a laborious process. We are typically restricted from making any public notices about the status of the applications. However, we are pleased to state that we believe we are within just a couple of weeks of being able to bring two more exchanges into the fold for our subscribers.

Security Reminder (from ICO)

Update. A reporter with an online security publication, working with a security researcher, is going to be reporting about the security breach we reported to you back on January 8, 2018. If you remember, we reported a DDoS attack and a couple of security holes that unintentionally exposed user data such as name, wallet addresses, address on file, copies of identification documents, etc., and that they could possibly be in the public domain. That database has since been closed and secured.



Bezop Network

Trustless Ecommerce Network Powered by The Blockchain.