Open Letter, Bezop Community

Bezop Network
6 min readFeb 25, 2018


We’d like to catch-up with the Bezop community by discussing a number of topics that have been raised across a variety of portals. The purpose of this discussion is to answer questions, allay some fears, and to point the way forward. The following items will be covered in this discussion:

· Support

· Communications

· Bounty Program

· The 10% Buyback program

· What’s happening with the Exchanges

· What’s with the price?

· What’s next?


First, we’ve acknowledged a number of times that our support was broken. We clearly got caught with our pants down around our ankles during the ICO. What you need to understand is that we were a very small company at the time with very limited resources. When the McAfee announcement came, we were completely unprepared for what came next. We know many of you have complained that when you wrote into or that you never received answers. The truth is that many people did in fact receive answers. However, the answers were very clipped. Why? Because we still hadn’t gotten things fixed and staff were performing 2 and 3 jobs at once. The good news, it’s being fixed. We’re in the process of soliciting CVs and interviewing for a full-time support manager. This individual will be responsible for building out our support group and he/she will communicate with you as that work is being done. We expect you to feel a palpable difference in our support by the end of March.


Effective, timely and accurate communications is critical to the success of any company. Again, over the past few weeks, we’ve allowed this to slip while two things were taking place — wrapping up from the end of the ICO to preparing for our next major announcement; and no, it was not the announcement HITBTC, albeit, very important in its own right. No, in the coming weeks we will have a major announcement for you. In the meantime, we’ve recognized that we need to significantly improve the timeliness and accuracy of our communications across all major channels — Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, Medium, etc. We’ve realized that in order to do this properly, we can do one of two things — hire a firm to manage it for us or build up yet another department. Ultimately, we will internalize this. For now, we are going to engage a professional PR firm to handle all communications for us. We are in the process of sourcing the vendor now and hope to have this group in place and operational by the end of March, if not before.

Bounty Program

We’ve seen numerous questions about our bounty program. What many of you may not know is that that program had been contracted out when we started. Unfortunately, we were not happy with how it was being conducted so we terminated it with the intent to restart in February. Unfortunately, due to the other issues being managed at the same time, we’ve made the decision that for now, this program will be terminated. Now, for all previous participants, we will honor all work done. In order to collect, you need to send an email to with your proof of work. Upon receipt, we will review and approve, if appropriate, and pay directly. So please, if you participated in the bounty program, send in your proof of work to

10% Buy Back Program

We’re excited to announce that we will be launching the 10% buy-back program on the very next exchange announcement. What does this mean? We are very close to announcing our next exchange (weeks not months). When we make that announcement, within 24 hours of that announcement, we will commence our 10% buy back. Why didn’t we do it immediately following the announcement of HITBTC? Truth is, we did execute a small buy back unannounced. Why? See below, “So What’s with the Price on HITBTC?” Now, we need to stress a few points. If you invested in Bezop with the intent to make a serious return, you will hold and go long on your investment. It won’t be long, at this point, for that to become very clear. Just remember April 27th, a date not directly related to us, but which could have a seriously positive impact on us. If you interest is to simply pump and dump, you need to wait a bit anyway because of another event currently going on. As it’s in your best interest to wait because of this, what’s the harm in waiting just a bit longer?

So What’s With the Price on HITBTC

From before we even launched our ICO, what many of you don’t know is the struggle we have faced. Since before the ICO, we have been battling a major fraud in the marketplace and it’s been very challenging. In addition to that fraudster, we’ve also been battling scammers in telegram that would emulate one of our support staff almost as fast as we could throw them off. We’ve had scammers that have directly impacted the speed with which we could close out the ICO. And, during the ICO itself, we had a very serious, very determined hacker, try to penetrate our systems — all to no avail (with the exception of the address field change and the DDos attack). Now, again, the only impact was the triggering of our attestation process which slowed down dramatically the ICO remittance program at the end.

Now, what does all this have to do with pricing. It’s quite simple though the solution is tough. We unknowingly engaged a fraudster that holds a public position to assist us with our ICO. Instead of helping us, he made an effort to unjustly enrich himself. This was first evidenced by some who noticed dumping activity on EtherDelta — we had to execute a small buyback there to offset his activities. He had set up multiple accounts that we traced back to him. Fortunately, we were able to thwart his efforts to dump significant tokens. We managed to stop him there. However, he continues to control a number of tokens and now, he’s set up multiple bot’s on HITBTC where he’s dumping at 20 cents each. We’ve consulted with John McAfee and some of our other advisors and we’ve been working to offset his behavior. So, in order to accomplish that, we’re doing some modest buy backs on HITBTC. We will, however, announce our principle buy-back program twenty-four hours after announcing the next exchange listing. Now, at some point, we will go public with this individual. For now, however, our focus needs to be inward to fix the issues important to all of us — support, communication, buy-back, exchange listings and, most importantly, the platform.

We believe that you will register a palpable change in our operations in the coming weeks. We just hope everyone is as vociferous about the positives as they have been in pointing out our shortcomings. We own them all. We are working rapidly to fix them all. We hope you will like and appreciate the changes being made.

What’s Next

Once we get these “fixes” in place, our focus will turn heavily toward product development (which, of course, has always been ongoing and strong). What comes next is the focus of our major announcement which we expect to make by mid-March. This is critical because of what we believe may happen on April 27th, Amazon’s shareholder meeting. We will leave you thinking about our announcement and what it could be in relation to Amazon’s shareholder meeting. What’s the best thing we could do for our company relative to the road map in the event that Amazon were to make a move into the market? Think about it…


Our team is unified like never before. We are investing in the staff (support, public relations, development), and we are working toward the long game. We expect to be in a very solid position by the end of March — light years away from where we are today. We truly appreciate each and every person that invested in and believes in this project. We only ask that you reassess your thinking at the end of March from today. We believe you will see a very different company in a very different position. You supported us with your money; we just ask that you continue to support us as we integrate all the changes planned into the company. Thank you!



Bezop Network

Trustless Ecommerce Network Powered by The Blockchain.