Weekly Report

Bezop Network
8 min readMar 17, 2018


March 17, 2018

This is the third release in an ongoing series of weekly updates that we will be providing our community. In time, it will be extended to cover a wide range of topics and as a forum to answer questions received. If you would like your question posted and answered here, send your question to cto@bezop.io.

Today, we’ll be providing updates on the following activities:

· Announcements

· Support

· Bounty Program

· PR/Marketing

· An Investor Question

· Product Status and Performance to Roadmap

· Market Innovation

· Summary


The transfer features with HITBTC have been restored and we truly appreciate everyone’s help in that effort to complete the work that needed to be done by ceasing transfers. You may now return to unimpeded use of this exchange.

Please stay tuned this week, the culmination of a great deal of work is about to come to head and we believe you will be blown away by this week’s announcement. The team has been working incredibly hard to make this happen.


Support is continuing to improve. We are working really hard to ensure tickets are being worked and responded to, emails returned, and just the general ‘tenor’ of support improved. Hopefully, more and more of you are beginning to experience that personally…well, I take that back — I hope most of you don’t need any support.

Bounty Program

The bounty program is now officially closed. We have paid the last set of participants and no further disbursements will be made.

As the last and final bounty, these payments are being made:

12/23/2017 11:57:27 bdsahin


Sr. member 1053 1000 0xc79AB1cB52c8c6cBBc7e8992d78037A3b5D75C35

1/2/2018 8:03:13 nicomedya5


Sr.Member 774 1000 0xb33Ea8ee9eFF9eD7A81ccFAE69876880e225de83

1/2/2018 8:47:56 DrMsEr


Hero Member 675 5000 0x3936F506eCC8C39fE9CeEB6d00D8e45c42A56232

1/2/2018 15:59:35 kr105


Hero Member 583 1000 0x6300D22B949dd4F0623Be30062bbc7C553405fE0

1/2/2018 17:37:40 Affilate User


Sr.Member 554 5000 0x5e4F6cf296dc6967Aa7D4B00C6572f09d2BE7770

1/2/2018 19:27:20 131tc01n


Sr.Member 240 5000 0xc4F59f6CD2C54272205d1bA89c907BD136e78E7b

1/3/2018 17:47:13 Nmaryrai


Senior Member 487 5000 0x12572b41ba92032109a99f9dE53356D2DA4de234

1/4/2018 19:39:05 ahmedjadoon


Legendary 3194 5000 0xE80009C9Cb346634854FA7c6C7BD0BB24A85F6c3

1/5/2018 9:57:08 Freezingel


Sr. Member 394 5000 0x633d5658501207d7f7156824352f59938cd605eb

1/5/2018 10:31:23 nightxglow


Senior Member 298 5000 0x52774B4ee05f9Accf9B89059F91d04b37277d822

1/5/2018 12:20:52 cleygaux


Sr. Member 320 5000 0x163AD82F2f3b5B941F6507EE3956E68470aEd18b

1/6/2018 15:44:13 doktor1897


Hero Member 1914 5000 0x8f3DD21c9334980030bA95c37565ba25Df9574cd

1/7/2018 20:05:32 skorupi17


Sr. Member 600 5000 0xfb5793370f4105dad01c1a8d9c17a8be4f428f0d

1/8/2018 5:33:35 alex219


Sr. Member 293 5000 0x211aA4b9D8E8BFbB750095FEbcDD350977Ecfe43

1/8/2018 5:39:03 javi


Hero member 654 5000 0xe4530315f254683e8d5C3C44A0acFd20BF0EC922

1/9/2018 1:20:23 Falconer


Hero Member 2919 5000 0x91f8b26451b61453fc3EcDf26309c7513BB270E2

1/9/2018 4:53:34 hilarypolar


11200 50 50 100 800 0x733e2cC2EB5D918e908535128105B72d1f244e6c

1/9/2018 4:43:28 bayru


16354 50 50 400 0x4c8B074c7d43cD23080a40340a284F27F92cd879

12/23/2017 11:43:19 @Amirrusel


7372 50 50 50 150 1200 0x3B1e89f91934C78772b9CBC486650681Fc965394

12/23/2017 13:41:09 tedaditya


15839 50 50 50 150 1200 0xD91a7784002752825d441C10A974347D5CA0D605

12/23/2017 14:25:20 @KEEP_Rangga27


6930 50 50 50 150 1200 0x6FEB883Ad01df9008E3500797383168248d9fA7D

12/23/2017 14:25:20 @KEEP_Rangga27


6930 50 50 50 150 1200 0x6FEB883Ad01df9008E3500797383168248d9fA7D

12/23/2017 16:57:53 @Naufals4


10932 50 50 50 150 1200 0x5d933a6Bc8d95144F7171FCB5A4E330D168fC569


I am excited to report two things on the PR side — and note, I added marketing. I am thrilled to report the full and active engagement by our marketing team in the project. Simon Greenhalgh is now actively working with the team on re-designing our overall messaging starting with our explainer video. He’s brought in some real pros to help with the work and we’re all excited to see the first video to come within the next week or so, so keep an eye out for that. Also, we’ve “counseled” with a couple of external companies regarding our overall positioning. Based on these discussions, we’ve crafted a strategy moving forward. You will begin seeing the impact of this strategy in two ways — the product and marketing. It’s all poised to get triggered.

An Investor Question

When are we going to hear about this “big” announcement you’ve been talking about now for almost a month?

This is a big week coming up. The team has been working around the clock on the product. It’s been almost the exclusive focus above and beyond everything else. If you haven’t figure out the big announcement by now — you should have. And, if you haven’t, you will this week. That’s right. This week we will be rolling out our big announcement; so, stay tuned.

Product Status & Performance to Roadmap

Well, as I said, this week is a big week coming up. The team has been working almost around the clock on the product. We are making incredible progress — ultimately to be judged by the market. I can tell you this, we’ve made tremendous progress on our product development and are substantially ahead of schedule.

We have completed the design of the smart contracts that power Bezop. Quite literally the engine that will drive the entire system complete. This is a huge deal. Why? Because what we’ve done with our smart contract hasn’t been done by anyone anywhere. We have designed a smart contract that is capable of powering decentralized purchases.

Market Innovation

This paragraph is an excerpt from a paper I am working on right now using Bezop as the focus but speaking generally to you about the ICO “world” and Bezop Blockchain Ltd.

It’s interesting — I’ve been involved in the crypto world since 2011, not in a big way, but as a small subscriber like many of you and one, at that time, fascinated in Bitcoin, the deep web, silk road, that whole phenomenon. I guess I am always drawn to these “fringe” areas of technology because often that’s where real progress is made, incredible discoveries unleashed, and where the yard line is moved. Back then, I was a true novice…just trying to figure out what it was all about and how I might be able to put it to use in what I was doing. I was looking at how “The Onion Router” or “Tor” was being implemented to relay computer messages through an assortment (at least three) servers in an effort to disguise the users while using the first virtual currency — Bitcoin. Now, I go way back to this history for one reason. DPR, or the Dread Pirate Roberts (Ross Ulbricht), started Silk Road on Jan. 27th, 2011. Now think about this…it’s 2018 — just seven years later and look where this technology has come — where we have come.

We live in an incredible time that is constantly evolving with newer innovations and technologies that continue to disrupt the world around us changing the fabric of our day-to-day lives. As quickly as we become comfortable with one technology, a newer more innovative technology pops into play often breaking all the rules and ushering drastic change.

Think about it. Whether it’s Amazon announcing drones for commercial deliveries or voice payment gateways, self-driving cars or cryptocurrencies for our day-to-day transactions, these technological leaps continue to drive drastic change keeping the everyday person spinning like a top. Let me quote Divya Joshi, writing for the Business Insider, “Invention converts into innovation when it couples with mass commercialization and adoption. Cryptocurrency is the result of an invention, which is now poised to become the next big innovation in the fintech industry.” I reflect back on a show done by John Oliver talking about the cryptocurrency market and where the true message of the show in my estimation was to ‘…proceed with caution.’ In the show, a reporter catches Michael Keaton coming out of a restaurant and proceeds to ask him “Hey, would you recommend buying Bitcoin?” Now, where, as a society, we respond to the vast expertise of our celebrities to make serious, complex decisions and potentially life-altering ones, well, I don’t know; but, he actually had some pretty sage advice. Keaton responds, “You know what’s funny? I was just talking to my buddy about that who knows about this. I got two different… One guy said, “Yeah you probably want to.” Another friend of mine said… “Ehhhh.” Not like it’s a bad thing, they just don’t know where it’s gonna go.” Oliver then goes on to talk about that guy in your office called “Dan” (a made-up name) that just won’t shut up about the virtues of investing in Bitcoin. And about how much he hates “Dan”. Anyway, to sum up a pretty funny show with what I think is pretty sage advice and that, quite simply, “This is a brand new very complicated space and literally nobody knows how it’s going to develop so you need to be very careful.”

Now, I bring this up because on our website, and throughout various posts, we’ve stressed that to get involved you need to know what you are doing…that this isn’t for amateurs. I bring this up because I am stunned by how many of our subscribers jumped on just on the word of McAfee without really doing their due diligence and without really understanding what they were subscribing to. I’m not complaining, mind you, but I am now going to go back to what Joshi wrote, “Cryptocurrency is… now poised to become the next big innovation in the fintech industry.”

Folks, Bezop is about to do something that no one has truly been able to do. We are about to release an e-commerce product wherein all the processes of buying and selling on the blockchain are achieved. Think about that. Think about our announcement… (not saying this is it but what if it is??!!) We are about to release a product wherein all the processes of buying and selling on the blockchain have been realized and enabled.

Who is disrupting what? In the next several weeks, if we are able to get, say, a hundred thousand merchants or more signed up to try our platform and Amazon or eBay come out and announce their acceptance of cryptocurrencies what do you think that will do for us? Think about this, do restaurants open where there are no other restaurants, or do they tend to clump together? They clump together. Why? Because they know that people that want to eat will be there. They compete which is good and healthy, but they don’t risk being in the middle of nowhere where there a no other restaurants. They have a far greater chance of succeeding together then succeeding apart. By Amazon or eBay entering the market it validates the market thereby making us a viable choice. If we are easier to setup up, easier to use, cheaper to run — who are people going to use? I say come on Amazon, come on eBay — what the hell are you waiting for? We’re already here warming up the market!

Now you know what you have subscribed to…pretty damn cool. Help us bring in the merchants and just watch what happens…you’ll be glad you did!


To sum it up, we’ve made tremendous progress in development. This week will prove to be the culmination of a lot of hard work. This will also herald in a new energy and pace in terms of messaging and overall marketing with the full engagement of our marketing team led by Simon. This is going to be a really exciting week, I think. I am counting on it. We will be crossing a threshold this week into a new phase and it will all be announced later this week, so stay tuned. We are going to turn an invention into the next major innovation that’s going to change the market, hell, change the world and herald in a new way of doing an old way of selling your products.



Bezop Network

Trustless Ecommerce Network Powered by The Blockchain.