Weekly Report

Bezop Network
3 min readMar 24, 2018


March 24, 2018

This is the fourth release in an ongoing series of weekly updates that we will be providing our community. Let me provide an apology up front for the brevity of this report, as our CTO’s son underwent eye surgery last evening and is quietly recovering.

Today, we’ll be providing updates on the following activities:

· Announcements

· Support

· Marketing

· Product Development and Performance to Roadmap

· Summary


We know everyone is anxious to hear information on the exchanges. Unfortunately, we are legally bound not to divulge any information. The exchanges are in complete control of that process.

We know everyone is anxious to hear about our big announcement. We also know that we’ve been stretching it out for some time. Truth be told, we were originally planning the big announcement for the 15th. We found that we weren’t completely ready. Before announcing and putting things out there, we have to be rock solid; after all, we only get one shot. Then, of course, we brought in a real pro for the PR/Marketing — that stretched things even more. The good news, though, is that despite the continual moves of the “finish” line — the line hasn’t moved all that much in with respect to where we started and what was provided as the original Road Map. In fact, if you measure us against either the original Road Map or Revision One — we are light years ahead of where we planned with either one.


From reading the posts, there are still people complaining about support. There are still people that are saying that they entered a ticket and never received any response. There are people complaining that they sent emails to admin@ and never received a response or the response was seriously “clipped.”

In February, we handled over 4000 tickets and yes, there were tickets that never received a formal response. They were acted on — but no response delivered — guilty as charged. However, our genuine effort to repair support was executed until mid’ February, and fully implemented until we hit March. So, now, if you’ve sent an email to our address in March and haven’t received a response, please send me a note at cto@bezop.io so we can get a sense of the scope of the problem. Thanks.


The good news here is the team we’ve engaged to do our marketing is hard at work. They are being crazy productive, and you are a heartbeat away from seeing the results of their efforts. We hope you will be as pleased as we are.

Product Development & Performance to Roadmap

The product is way ahead of schedule. We will be making public announcements as soon as we are able.


To sum it up, we are way ahead of schedule, and we are ready to make the major announcement we’ve been intimating for some time now. We are working on the solution to one significant regulatory issue that we must have an answer for which, as of today, no one has provided a one. The good news is that we do; so, please be patient as we sort it out, get it implemented, and change the world.



Bezop Network

Trustless Ecommerce Network Powered by The Blockchain.