BFEX Decentralized Scoring is the bed rock of our peer-to-peer lending platform.

By shankar biswas, BFEX’s co-founder

BFEX Official
2 min readMay 12, 2018

“Trust guru” Rachel Botsman reveals that we are facing a critical point in human history where the word trust is being reshaped by technology with fundamental consequences for everyone alive today.

We have lost our trust in the old world order of institutions.

A new world order is emerging with new hopes for all.

This is the age of “distributed trust”

Driven by innovative technologies that are transforming human behavior we are poised to benefit from this radical shift, as we build a new model of understanding of the mechanics of how trust is built, managed, lost, and repaired in the digital age. Banking and financial institutions at large have to be at the frontier of this change or they may lose this battle.

At BFEX, this new formation of Trust led us to rethink and rework the way credit is understood traditionally. Decentralized Scoring will change the way credit is viewed by the world, with hybrid data and a community that backs both lenders and borrowers.

The role of community in the evaluation and disbursal of credit is intrinsically linked in our philosophy. The community is empowered to decide on the individual’s ability in doing so we empower the community in which the individual exists. This is the new social order in which we exist.

The community is empowered .

The community is engaged and bears the burden and the responsibility of individual upliftment.

The community is the universe, the individual its star. This is the how we are building our peer to peer lending platform.

Our payment network gives back to the community a portion of the value exchanged thus the overall social capital is enhanced.

The universe is constantly expanding and as it expands it begins to include new worlds and new stars are born. With our collective community effort new stars will be born and they will shine on.

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A futuristic platform that provides opportunity and intends to redistribute power back to where it belongs.