BFEX’s co-founder, Shankar Biswas, will be attending Blockchain Conference as a speaker in Bangkok.

The event mainly focuses on Blockchain technology and Innovation, will be attended by professional guest speakers who will lead the panel discussion.

BFEX Official
2 min readMay 11, 2018

On the coming 23rd of May 2018, The Blockchain Technology Conference will be held in the heart of Bangkok city, in Holiday Inn Bangkok. BFEX is happy to announce that our Co-Founder Mr. Shankar Biswas will be attending at the event as one of the lead speakers.

A little introduction on Mr. Shankar Biswas

Mr. shankar biswas has over three decades of experience in business management, consumer finance, and investment and retail banking.

He was one of the founding members of the investment bank FALCOM financial services where he identified new investment ideas and opportunities in the FMCG sector. He is currently the managing director of Pinnacle Science Laboratories International Australia where he oversees the overall performance of the company and the board’s overall strategy.

In his article, featured on “Empowering the world with better financial identity” he wrote

“BFEX will create better indicators by making meaningful connections between traditional and nontraditional data where raw Credit scores are only a part of the story.”

Here’s a video of Mr. Shankar explaining the core value of BFEX.






BFEX Official

A futuristic platform that provides opportunity and intends to redistribute power back to where it belongs.