Bonk Coin
3 min readJun 27, 2024

The Thursday night debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be a reunion, though not a harmonious one.

This unprecedented event, featuring a current and former president, will lay bare the animosity between the two men on the CNN debate stage in Atlanta.

Following his 2020 defeat, Trump has consistently refused to acknowledge Biden’s victory. He further deviated from tradition by boycotting his successor’s inauguration, particularly after his supporters stormed the US Capitol days earlier.

As they vie for the presidency once more, this debate presents the first opportunity for millions of Americans to witness the candidates directly engage in this election cycle.

With the stakes incredibly high, tensions will be palpable as both contenders endeavor to persuade US voters to cast their ballots in their favor come November.

An unusual evening

The last encounter between Trump and Mr Biden occurred in October 2020, leading up to that year’s presidential election

The expectations game

Key takeaways from Biden and Trump’s inaugural 2024 debate

Lauren Hitt, spokeswoman for the Biden campaign, alleges that the former president’s reliance on “lies” stems from a “fear of accountability for his detrimental policies.”.

However, Biden may not be the only one poised to exceed expectations. For over a year, Democrats have cautioned that Trump is driven by vengeance and harbors dictatorial aspirations, posing a significant threat to American democracy.

Biden campaign officials assert that Trump underwent a transformation after his 2020 loss, becoming a different person from the one Americans elected in 2016.

If the former president manages to maintain composure for the duration of the 90-minute debate and moderate his abrasive demeanor, he might succeed in persuading the American public that the dire warnings about a potential second Trump term are exaggerated.

Mike Murphy, a seasoned Republican strategist, remarked on the BBC’s US politics podcast, Americast, “Biden needs to dispel the notion that he’s too old for the job,” adding, “Trump needs to demonstrate that he’s not the disagreeable firebrand that half the country perceives him to be. It’s an opportunity for both, but a risky one.”

Leading up to the debate, polls indicated that voters favored Trump on the economy and immigration — two paramount concerns for the electorate.

Conversely, the incumbent president enjoyed an advantage on issues such as abortion, healthcare, and the environment.

The victor of Thursday night’s debate might very well be the candidate who delivers the most compelling arguments on their strengths while effectively defending their weaknesses.

Can President Biden persuade voters that he empathizes with their anxieties about the surge in immigration but has been thwarted by Republican opposition in his attempts to address it? Will former President Trump successfully reassure voters that a second term won’t result in stricter abortion restrictions, especially after he appointed three Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn the federal right to the procedure?

For over a year, Mr Biden has been striving to convince Americans that the economy is healthier than they perceive it to be. The debate will grant him another opportunity to make his case before an audience of millions, though he’ll face a barrage of criticism from his opponent, who’s expected to zero in on the soaring costs and high inflation that have burdened Americans in recent years.

Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller informed reporters on Tuesday, “We anticipate Joe Biden attempting to shift blame onto President Trump.” He added, “Americans are astute enough to discern the difference between the thriving Trump economy, where everyone prospered, and the current state of affairs under the Biden administration.”

Atlanta, Georgia is gearing up to host Thursday’s CNN showdown, with preparations already underway

Getting personal

A long way to go