“Our Illusion of Existence: A Call to Self-Knowledge and Love”

Enrique Benet-Gregg
3 min readFeb 19, 2023


“A Call to Self-Knowledge and Love”

Many people have begun to question the meaning and purpose of our lives in this age of fast technological progress. We have been given a script to follow, with our lives and souls coexisting in time and space, with little sense of purpose or meaning beyond what we can see. So is our existence an illusion, with no past or future, living only in the present? Accepting self-awareness and love is critical to realizing our ultimate potential.

It is not a coincidence that we live in a time when technology is changing quickly and has had a big impact on our society and culture. So one has to wonder: What tale have we been told?

Many believe that we have been handed a script to follow, with our lives and souls coexisting in time and space, with little sense of purpose or meaning beyond what we can see. Additionally, the past appears to be an incomprehensibly vast and distant stretch of time, while the future seems to be a dark and frightening horizon looming ahead of us, haunted by the phantom of our environmental degradation and its consequences.

However, we are given a control tool in the form of money: a tool that keeps us linked to this world, pursuing material gains at the price of our own goals and the well-being of others. Is the chase after wealth, however, what brings out the worst in us?

As they try to figure out what their place is in this big, complicated universe, many people use powerful instruments to travel to other dimensions and experience events from other worlds that are beyond the reach of normal consciousness. Respect for these tools and a deep sense of self-awareness and love must be present in people who employ them. Without these attributes, we are locked in a world we did not create: a world where we are subject to the whims of others, forced to play a role in a story we did not compose.

We must learn to acknowledge the most significant learning experience that underpins our life, while accepting the lessons we still have to learn and seeking to improve ourselves as individuals and as a society. We must express thanks and respect for everyone around us, especially our families, friends, and loved ones, and strive to build a sense of connection and compassion beyond our own lives.

In this time of great change, we must recognize that everything is connected and try to live a life based on love, progress, and self-improvement. Only then can we hope to realize our true potential and overcome the restrictions that have held us back for far too long. We must embrace self-awareness and love as the keys to understanding and transcending the illusion of our existence.



Enrique Benet-Gregg

Background in law, business, art and conservation. Passionate about positive change and collaboration.