8 min readDec 26, 2023

18 Reasons Your Website Won’t Rank High In Google (2024)

As an experienced SEO specialist, I often come across website owners who are frustrated with their website's low ranking on Google. It's a common concern, and there are several reasons why your website might not be ranking as high as you'd like. In this article, we will explore these reasons and provide you with practical solutions to help improve your website's visibility on Google. So, let's dive in and unravel the mysteries behind low rankings!

1. Keywords Are Too Competitive

One of the primary reasons your website may not be ranking high in Google is due to the competitiveness of your chosen keywords. If you're targeting highly competitive keywords, it can be challenging to outrank established websites that already dominate the search results.

To determine if your keywords are too competitive, follow these steps:

1. Choose a long-tail keyword using Google Autocomplete.
2. Google the keyword and analyze the competition. Look for strong content, authority websites, and high domain and page authority.
3. If the competition seems overwhelming, consider choosing a different keyword or getting more specific with your targeting.

Instead of relying solely on Google Keyword Planner, try using tools like Moz Keyword Explorer or Keywords Everywhere designed specifically for SEO.

2. Lack Of In-Depth Tutorials

Creating in-depth tutorials can significantly impact your website's ranking on Google. These tutorials provide valuable information that users are actively searching for, establishing your website as a reliable source of knowledge in your niche.

Take the time to write comprehensive tutorials on core topics related to your website. Cover everything your audience wants to learn about, and make these tutorials the cornerstone of your content strategy. By offering in-depth tutorials, you can increase your website traffic and even generate substantial affiliate income.

3. You Need A Table Of Contents

A well-structured website with a table of contents can greatly enhance user experience and improve your chances of ranking higher on Google. By breaking your content into distinct sections and providing a table of contents, you make it easier for users to navigate and find the information they need.

Avoid relying on plugins and instead code your table of contents in HTML and design it using CSS. This approach creates name anchors and allows users to link directly to specific sections of your content.

4. Poorly Written SEO Titles + Meta Descriptions

Your website's SEO titles and meta descriptions play a crucial role in attracting users to click on your search results. If your titles and descriptions are poorly written or fail to stand out, users are more likely to choose other search results.

To optimize your SEO titles and meta descriptions:

- Make sure they accurately represent the content of your page.
- Highlight any unique or valuable aspects of your content, such as original research, videos, infographics, or downloadable resources.
- Keep them within the recommended character limits (around 50-60 characters for titles and 150-160 characters for descriptions) to avoid truncation.

Craft compelling titles and descriptions that entice users to click on your search results and explore your website further.

5. Exceeding Google’s Character Limits

Even if you adhere to Google's character limits for SEO titles and meta descriptions, there's still a chance they may get cut off in the search results. To ensure your snippets are displayed correctly, it's essential to manually check them after your content gets indexed by Google.

After publishing a new post, take the time to verify if your snippet is complete or if it gets cut off. If it does, try shortening it to improve readability and increase the likelihood of users clicking on your results.

6. Slow Server Response Time

The speed at which your server responds can impact your website's ranking on Google. If your server response time is slow, it can negatively affect user experience and lead to lower rankings.

Check your server response time using Google PageSpeed Insights, aiming for a response time of less than 200ms, as recommended by Google. If your hosting provider is causing slow response times, consider migrating to a reliable hosting provider like SiteGround or Cloudways, known for their excellent response times.

Remember, a faster server response time can significantly improve your website's performance and increase your chances of ranking higher in search results.

7. Not Using Rich Snippets

Rich snippets are a powerful tool for enhancing your website's visibility on Google. They provide additional information to users directly in the search results, increasing the chances of attracting clicks and improving your click-through rate (CTR).

Consider implementing rich snippets for reviews, FAQs, recipes, and other relevant data types. Use plugins like WP Review for reviews and Structured Content for FAQs. By adding rich snippets to your content, you can make your search results more enticing and improve your website's ranking on Google.

8. Google Search Console Errors

Google Search Console is an invaluable tool for identifying and resolving issues that may be affecting your website's ranking on Google. It provides insights into indexing errors, crawl errors, security issues, and more.

Monitor your GoogleSearch Console regularly to stay on top of any errors or warnings. Address these issues promptly to ensure that your website is optimized for search engines and has a better chance of ranking higher on Google.

9. Outdated Content

Google values fresh and up-to-date content. If your website has outdated content, it may struggle to rank higher in search results. Regularly review your content and update it with new information, statistics, or insights.

Additionally, consider repurposing your content into different formats, such as videos, infographics, or podcasts. This can help attract a broader audience and improve your website's visibility on Google.

10. Unoptimized Images

Images play a significant role in user engagement and website performance. If your images are not optimized, they can negatively impact your website's loading speed, user experience, and ultimately, its ranking on Google.

Optimize your images by compressing them without compromising quality, using descriptive file names, and adding alt text that accurately describes the image. By optimizing your images, you can improve your website's performance and enhance its chances of ranking higher in search results.

11. Thin About Me Page

Your website's "About Me" page may seem insignificant, but it can influence user trust and credibility. If your "About Me" page lacks depth and valuable information, it may not resonate with users and could be a missed opportunity to engage with your audience.

Craft a compelling and informative "About Me" page that highlights your expertise, experience, and unique selling points. Share your story and connect with your audience on a personal level. A well-crafted "About Me" page can improve user trust and contribute to higher rankings on Google.

12. Thin Content Is Being Indexed

Thin content refers to pages with little or no substantial content. If these pages are being indexed by Google, it can dilute the overall quality of your website and impact its ranking.

Review your website for thin content pages and either improve them by adding valuable information or consider removing them altogether. Focus on providing high-quality, in-depth content that offers value to your users and aligns with their search intent.

13. No Privacy Or Legal Pages

Having privacy and legal pages on your website is essential for building trust with your audience and complying with legal requirements. Without these pages, your website may appear untrustworthy, which can negatively impact your rankings on Google.

Create dedicated privacy and legal pages that clearly state how you handle user data, disclose any tracking or cookies, and outline your terms and conditions. By providing transparency and reassuring users about their privacy, you can improve your website's trustworthiness and increase its chances of ranking higher on Google.

14. You Have A Google Penalty

In some cases, your website's low ranking on Google may be due to a penalty imposed by Google. Penalties can occur for various reasons, such as violating Google's quality guidelines, engaging in black hat SEO practices, or having spammy backlinks.

If you suspect that your website has been penalized, conduct a thorough audit of your website, including backlink analysis, to identify any potential issues. Take necessary steps to resolve the problems and submit a reconsideration request to Google if applicable.

15. Too Much Affiliate Promotion

While affiliate marketing can be a great source of income, excessive affiliate promotion on your website can harm its rankings. Google values websites that provide valuable content to users rather than focusing solely on monetization.

Evaluate your website for excessive affiliate promotion and ensure that your content provides genuine value to your audience. Strike a balance between affiliate promotion and high-quality content to improve your website's ranking on Google.

16. Local SEO Integration

If your website targets a local audience, it's crucial to optimize it for local search. Local SEO integration involves optimizing your website for location-specific keywords, creating and optimizing Google My Business listings, and acquiring local citations and backlinks.

Ensure that your website includes location-specific content, such as local landing pages or blog posts, and that your NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information is consistent across your website and other online directories. By focusing on local SEO, you can improve your website's visibility and ranking in local search results.

17. YouTube SEO Integration

YouTube is the second-largest search engine, and optimizing your website for YouTube search can significantly impact your overall rankings. If you have video content on your website or a YouTube channel, it's essential to optimize it for YouTube SEO.

Optimize your video titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails using relevant keywords. Encourage engagement on your videos through likes, comments, and shares. By integrating YouTube SEO into your overall SEO strategy, you can increase your website's visibility on both Google and YouTube.

18. Relying Too Much On Plugins + Tools

While plugins and tools can be helpful, relying too heavily on them can negatively affect your website's performance and rankings. Excessive plugins can slow down your website, introduce security vulnerabilities, and cause compatibility issues.

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I am a certified SEO professional and offer low cost affordable marketing for small and large businesses.