Why Corporate Supremacists LOVE Mass Immigration

Corporate supremacists are taking advantage of immigrants.

Brian G. Schuster
4 min readJul 1, 2018
Source: “Families Belong Together.”

Many immigrants arrive peacefully on hopes of better lives.

And then reality strikes — mass homelessness and a burden to the existing infrastructure for housing, food stamps, education, healthcare, and democracy itself.

No this isn’t Venezuela, it’s Los Angeles, California.

California, the country’s most notorious sanctuary state for illegal immigration has some of the worst poverty in the country despite also having its wealthiest billionaires. Hepatitis outbreaks and poor hygiene kill thousands of homeless people on a regular basis.

I’ve received multiple calls from a good man from El Salvador who has poor English skills, but he’s fantastic at construction work — more diligent than most other workers I’ve seen. I feel bad when I can’t help him find work. And yet the dangerous myth persists: America’s corporations need his cheap labor because nobody else will take the jobs. Not true! He struggles to find work just like millions of American citizens.

Corporate supremacists love the pain they inflict on immigrants and locals because it weakens the…



Brian G. Schuster

Student of the world. NC State / Stanford. Building Cropify.org to connect clean local farmers with busy professionals.