BGX Consensus in Scientific Research

DGT Network
2 min readJan 8, 2019


As many of our readers know, the core of the BGX platform is the unique F-BFT Consensus.

The Federated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (F-BFT) Consensus proposed by BGX is a solution to the centuries old mathematical Byzantine General Problem. Coupled with the real economic ties between our nodes (forming semi-trust) and the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) ledger system, the F-BFT Consensus provides unlimited horizontal and vertical scalability to processing speed, as well as utmost security.


Our Consensus has been getting quite the attention as one of the most effective and efficient to date. Today we want to announce the attention that it has been getting from the international research community!

Our academic team of high-esteemed mathematicians have published two articles, as part of the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol.2267.

The first article:

“About Some of the Blockchain Problems”

written by A.V. Bogdanov, A.B. Degtyarev, V.V. Korkhov, M. Kamande, O.O. Iakushkin, V. Khvatov | Link

The second article:

“On Conceptual Response to Some of the Blockchain Problems”

written by A.V. Bogdanov, A.B. Degtyarev, V.V. Korkhov, O.O. Iakushkin, V. Khvatov | Link

Both articles take an overarching view of the current state of the blockchain technology and BGX’s place in this sector.


The research papers were initially published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings — a free open-access publication service at Sun SITE Central Europe operated under the umbrella of RWTH Aachen University. is a recognized ISSN publication series,ISSN 1613–0073.

The portal is popular and frequently accessed by leading researches not only from Europe, but also from the US and China.

BGX expects that these papers will be published in several other research journals, which will be announced as soon as they come out.


As we continue to collaborate closely with the academic circles in order to improve our product, expect many more research papers coming out in 2019.

We look forward to openly sharing our innovation!



DGT Network

DGT is a Web3 hybrid network allowing enterprises to build open ecosystems while retaining full governance and control.