365 Photography Challenge — Day 1

Bhabani SankarMishra
2 min readOct 9, 2018


8th October 2018

Day 1–8th October 2018

About the shot

I shot these leaves during our lunch break around 1.15 pm. I was carrying the kit lens today.

EXIF1/320 sec, f/5.6, ISO 1000, at 105 mm with Nikon D500, 18–105 mm lens in Manual Mode,

Editing — Slight vignetting and lens blur added on the outer sides, slight highlight enhancement tried but without any benefit. Editing done on Snapseed app on iOS.


There are some technical flaws in this image. First there’s some noise in the background, Auto ISO may be the culprit which set the ISO at 1000. Also the lens was at 105 mm which would lead to some softening. Shutter speed of 1/320 was probably not necessary for still subjects, I used it because of the 1/f*1.5 rule to remove shakes but should have shot few more with say 1/200 to get the ISO lower. It will be interesting to see how my prime lenses do with a wide aperture, may be I will carry the 35 mm on 9th and the 100 mm on 10th…

Also there are some highlights in the shot which the preview in camera didn’t show blinking. There was hardly any vertical line on the histogram’s right edge but it seems there are still some highlight that can’t be brought back at least by snapseed app. May need a more powerful software like darktable or lightroom.

Other than the noise and highlights, the framing is also wrong, this should be shot in portrait orientation to get more of the subject and less of the background which is a clutter for which I had to do vignetting and lens blue in post process.

Will shoot again with my 35 mm and see the difference.

Next Day

