Japan is building 10000m building ……10x bigger than burj khalifa

2 min readMay 8, 2024


magine a building so tall it brushes the clouds, housing a population the size of a small city. That’s the X-Seed 4000, a conceptual megatall skyscraper that pushes the boundaries of what we think is possible.

  • Height: Burj Khalifa — 828 meters vs. X-Seed 4000–4,000 meters
  • Floors: Burj Khalifa — 163 floors vs. X-Seed 4000–800 floors
  • Population: Burj Khalifa — Holds a few thousand visitors daily vs. X-Seed 4000 — Designed for 500,000–1,000,000 inhabitants

While the Burj Khalifa currently reigns supreme as the world’s tallest building at a staggering 828 meters, the X-Seed 4000 blows it out of the water (or sky) at a mind-boggling 4 kilometers! That’s almost five times the height of the Burj Khalifa!

This behemoth wasn’t just about height, though. The X-Seed 4000 envisioned a 6-kilometer wide sea base, essentially a self-contained mini-world with a staggering 800 floors. It could hold a population of anywhere between 500,000 to 1 million people, with homes, offices, and even green spaces incorporated into the design.

A Dream or a Fantasy?

The X-Seed 4000 was a concept proposed by the Taisei Corporation in 1995. While undeniably impressive, it’s important to note that it was never intended to be a realistic blueprint. The engineering challenges of building something so massive, especially in an earthquake-prone region like Japan, were simply insurmountable.

The X-Seed 4000 served more as a thought experiment, a glimpse into a future where technology allows us to create self-contained vertical cities.

Looking to the Future

While the X-Seed 4000 might be a fantasy, it does spark the imagination. As our cities grow and technology advances, perhaps one day such megastructures won’t be so far-fetched. For now, the X-Seed 4000 serves as a reminder of the boundless potential of human ingenuity.

