Top 10 Data Science Podcasts You Must Listen

5 min readMay 15, 2023

Intro to Top 10 Data Science Podcasts

In this day and age, Podcasts have become an amazing source of knowledge and entertainment. If you’re a data science enthusiast, then you are in luck! There are some fantastic data science podcasts out there that can help you learn new skills, stay informed on the latest developments in the field, and gain valuable insights from experts.

If you’re looking to start exploring the world of data science podcasts, then here’s a list of the top 10 data science podcasts you must listen to! Each podcast covers a range of topics related to data science and offers unique perspectives. From interviews with industry experts to helpful discussions on cutting-edge topics, these podcasts provide fun and engaging content to keep your mind sharp.

First up is the Data Science Show. This podcast focuses on artificial intelligence and machine learning, covering topics such as deep learning, robotics, and natural language processing. Hosted by Nash Vail, this podcast offers weekly episodes that feature interviews with industry experts as well as useful insights into new technologies.

The second is Linear Digressions. This podcast provides an overview of various topics related to data science as well as a wide range of motivational stories from inspiring guests such as entrepreneurs and scientists. Hosted by two engineers from Google Brain — Katie Malone & Ben Jaffe — this podcast is sure to inspire and entertain all listeners. Check Out:-Tech Review

№1 DataFramed by DataCamp

DataFramed is an insightful podcast hosted by DataCamp, one of the largest online interactive learning platforms for data science. This podcast brings you the best conversations with some of the most knowledgeable industry professionals as they break down complex topics like big data analytics, machine learning algorithms, and more in layman’s terms. Through this top 10 list of must-list podcast episodes, you will gain valuable knowledge that can help shape your career or business decisions.

The first episode is hosted by Max Joseph and features a passionate discussion about how to build “AI for Good” with researcher Chris Nicholson from Skymind. Chris shares his expertise on artificial intelligence and machine learning that helps explain why AI should be used for positive outcomes such as healthcare, social services, and other beneficial applications.

Episode two features Patrick Crocker from Microsoft discussing Big Data Analytics and how businesses can leverage AI to gain insight into their customer base. Patrick also talks about how predictive analytics can be used to anticipate customer needs before they realize it themselves.

In episode three, Jared Lander delves deep into developing data science skills like model interpretation, the longevity of results, and working with different types of datasets. Jared explains various techniques that help scientists make better decisions when handling datasets like image recognition or natural language processing (NLP). Check Out:-Ratings

№2 The O’Reilly Data Show

Look no further than the O’Reilly Data Show. This weekly podcast offers data scientists interesting and useful technical insights, interviews with experts, research summaries, and deep dives into emerging trends and technologies. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, the O’Reilly Data Show has something for you.

Hosted by Ben Lorica, each episode of the show explores a different topic related to data science. You’ll be able to hear conversations with some of the top minds in the field who provide their expertise on everything from open-source software to business intelligence tools to machine learning technology. Additionally, there are interviews with industry leaders who share their perspectives on current issues in data science and discuss best practices for managing large-scale projects. Check Out:-Technology Reviews

№3 Linear Digressions

№3 Linear Digressions is a great choice with educational content, interesting topics, and unique perspectives that can help you take your understanding of data science to the next level.

This podcast is hosted by two experienced data scientists whose primary focus is data science education. With each episode, they provide listeners with in-depth analysis and accessible insights into both broader concepts and more niche topics. Plus, they bring on a variety of guests and interviewees to provide additional perspectives on the topic at hand. Whether you’re looking for an introduction to core principles or deep dives into highly specialized areas, №3 Linear Digressions has something for everyone.

No 3 Linear Digressions does a great job of helping its listeners learn about the latest developments in Data Science from a wide range of experts in the field. It’s an excellent resource if you want to stay up-to-date with all the news from this ever-evolving field or just brush up on important topics like machine learning or data visualization techniques. The hosts also cover other related topics such as hardware & software recommendations, career advice, and tips for getting a job in data science when you have little practical experience. Check Out:-Analytics Jobs

№4 Partially Derivative

№4 Partially Derivative is one of the top 10 data science podcasts you must listen to. Hosted by Jonathon Morgan and Chris Albon, this popular podcast covers a wide range of topics related to data science and its applications. With guests from various backgrounds in academia, industry, and business, as well as fun conversations about the latest trends in data science tools, technologies, and applications, №4 Partially Derivative offers listeners insight into some of today’s most interesting stories.

Whether you’re an experienced data scientist or someone just starting in the field, №4 Partially Derivative provides something for everyone from learning about different aspects of data science such as machine learning and big data analytics to insightful interviews with experts on a variety of topics related to the field. Listeners can also gain valuable knowledge from previous episodes covering timely issues such as AI ethics and responsible data use policies.

№5 Talking Machines

Podcasts provide an amazing resource for exploring new topics, deepening your knowledge, and gaining insights. Whether you are a seasoned expert or a beginner looking to learn the basics of Data Science, podcasts are an excellent way to stay informed and educated on the latest trends.

Here’s our list of the top 10 must-listen podcasts for data scientists. Each podcast provides unique value, bringing together leading experts in the field:

1. Talking Machines: Hosts Katherine Gorman and Ryan Adams discuss the newest advances in AI from both academics and industry experts. They also explore philosophical questions about data, analytics, algorithms, and automation.

2. Linear Digressions: Hosted by KD Nugget and Ben Jaffe, this show looks at AI from a statistical perspective looking at many of the algorithms used in today’s data-driven world. This is a great place to start to understand how Machine Learning works and its implications beyond technology.

3. AI Today: Hosted by Daniel Faggella and Basil Salem, AI Today explores trends in artificial intelligence with interviews of leading practitioners along with news updates every week on developments in AI research, product development & successful business applications of modern technologies & algorithms.

4. Conversations with Data Scientists: Hosted by Erik Kulesza & Matt Brems this podcast features conversations with leading data scientists discussing their professional backgrounds & current work environment including engineering challenges & successes when working with data science projects within any industry or organization type such as finance or military applications of machine learning toolsets & hardware systems for real-world tasks such as self-driving cars or drone navigation. Check Out:-In-Depth Tech Reviews

