My #4 Call with WIT program coach Paavini Nanda

Bhairavi Shah
2 min readOct 6, 2018


Today was my fourth and final call. I really didn’t feel like saying goodbye, I didn’t want it to end. Both my coach Paavini Nanda and amiya abraham were so warm and welcoming. They would always try to help me if I had any queries. Most of all they made me comfortable to ask the silliest of doubts.

We talked about our final activity in WIT Learning Program,which was to interview with a recipient of our chosen opportunity. We even talked about FOSSASIA, Outreachy and Codeheat. I showed them the swags Nikita Mallya got for me from GHC, Houston excitedly! Paavini then told me how amazing it is and that when I attend GHCI I would get swags too! This makes me even more excited to attend GHCI.

I also asked Paavini if we could someday meet up in person. We decided to keep in touch even though our program has ended here. I think this was an actual #connect. Paavini told us that we were amazing mentees and asked a lot of intuitive questions.

I would once again thank Paavini Nanda for being such an amazing coach! Sharing her knowlegde with us and helping us with all our queries. It was one of the most wonderful experiences to meet Paavini and amiya abraham. She has truly inspired me.

