Bhakti Joshi
3 min readSep 6, 2020

Is Degree/Certificate Important?

Do you need a degree? Does that really help you get a job? Is having a degree the most crucial thing for job/livelihood.
Does success at college or university guarantee a great entrance into the workforce after graduation? Do the best students always succeed in real life? Does a degree necessarily make you a better employee or entrepreneur?
Do these college/school experiences help people gain specific skills that make them highly suitable for the careers they've thought of?

So basically my answer to all the questions is Yes. Yes, a degree is necessary. It gives us and other people a proof like that we have done so and so course that's it. It is the same as when you do some course for which you get a certificate, that is nothing but the fulfillment or the recognition gained for the particular course. Now for some people, a degree is very valuable while for some it is just for parents' satisfaction or maybe it is just there for society. But the question still remains the same, why the degree is necessary for employment? What I feel is when everybody has a job occurrence for the first time, he/she isn't experienced nor he/she has any knowledge of working in 9 hours of a shift. And the training is always given to the employees about the working technique. So basically their degree does nothing. Even while hiring, the capability of the interviewee has to be taken into consideration. A 10th std student with great grasping and learning ability will work the same as a graduate will do. In fact, a 10th student will be more flexible and will understand things more quickly. So I feel hiring should be done on the basis of a person's ability to learn and probably more from his/her personality towards working and not on the degree he/she poses.
And yes it is absolutely true that you take a degree from the best college to get a better job ( most of the time). And it is definitely acceptable, that you should not stop learning. Learn as much as you feel, earn degrees as many as you can. But not for the sake of a better job. A graduate person can become CEO of the company while a double graduate can just be an employee.
The bottom line is if you have basic knowledge and understanding you can achieve anything and everything.
What I learned from doing a job for a year is, you should know the working strategies (Smart work I meant to say)
And some basic knowledge of excel and word and account and finance and insurance(relates to commerce background sorry not much idea about others, but they must be something like computer languages and some database programs if I am not wrong) Other than that the actual work procedure is always been taught.

My fellow future generations, you are totally aware of the situation and you are a more intelligent generation I must say. And you all will definitely be very successful, flourishing and blooming in the coming years. These days only I get to see many artistic people at a very young age when we could not even decide what subject to choose. Your future is really bright.

Sorry, I just made 90s people feel instantly old 😂😂. But that's not the point, our time has now started and I am sure we will be very triumphant, winning, earning, defeating, and much much successful.

Also, let me know your views on this topic. I would be happy to know more viewpoints on this.