9 Tips On How To Protect Your Android Touch Screen

Mobile Phone Tips
3 min readFeb 21, 2018


A lot of brands are working on the touch screen of their phones in order to make them strong yet there are some precautions we as users need to consider while using our phone. Touch screens we use are sensitive and prone to damage so we have to use it sensibly. No matter if it’s a low price android mobile or an IPhone X, screens of all the mobile devices require utmost care. We are bringing you 9 tips which would help you to protect your touch screen-:

1. Be Gentle

Avoid applying too much pressure on your phone, after all it is not meant to use that way, sometimes in excitement people tend to press the display with hard hands, resulting in damage. The more gently you press the screen, more smoothly your phone will be working. Always remember your smartphone is not your old TV set which will work faster after you hit them.

2. Screen Burn-in

Screen burn-in is situation of permanent discoloration of areas on an electronic display. This can happen when you don’t turn off the display after using the mobile phone. Don’t let the screen idle, either use it or turn it off to avoid the screen burn-in.

3. Invest in screen guards

It’s better to be safe than sorry. To ensure your screen stays protected, invest in a screen guard. That way you can worry less of scratches and cracks. They can protect your phone from light accidents. Screen guards are available even for cheapest 4g smartphone and 3g smartphones as well.

4. Avoid direct sunlight

Your mobile device cannot take direct heat from the sun, avoid keeping your phone directly under the sun.

5. Use stylus or finger to operate

You cannot use everything to operate your phone with. You have to be specific and careful. A smartphone’s screen is made only to be operated with finger or stylus (if permissible by the manufacturer) the screen may break or crack in case if anything else is used in place of finger/stylus.

6. It has limits

Just like every other thing, smartphones too have their limits. Avoid brining your smartphone near other electrical devices such as heaters. The heat can damage the screen and the phone may burst off. Many people believe bringing your smartphone near magnets may end up harming them but that’s not so, magnets don’t harm the screen of the smartphones, in the worst case scenario the inbuilt magnetic sensor can get damaged but not the screen.

7. You can get shocked

When there is a sudden flow of electricity between two connected electric devices, it’s a state of electrostatic discharges. In case of your phone, when it is isolated to a ground that conducts electricity, the chances are that the screen of the smartphone may start to malfunction and the user may get shocked suddenly.

8. Clean it gently

Never over rub your phone when you are trying to clean it. Use a microfiber cloth which does not damage the screen and eliminates the chances for scratches on it. Also if you are using water to clean it, try using distilled water as it does not have calcium and other type of particles involved which can harm the screen.

9. Avoid using with dirty hands

Tapping on the screen with dirty hands makes it rough hence the user is not able to operate it smoothly. In some cases the whole display does not work sometimes. So handle it with care, avoid using your smartphone while you are drinking, eating etc.

There are a lot of phones which comes with excellent display quality such as invens mobile figher f1but still one has to take these precautions into consideration while using their phone.

