What Are the Differences Between Python 2 and Python 3 and Which Version Should Use?

4 min readMay 30, 2023


python2 vs python3

Python has a reputation for being a flexible, all-purpose programming language. It is a high-level open-source language that uses simple English syntax, making it simple to learn. The multi-paradigm programming language is ideally suited to a variety of use cases because of its many benefits (which we’ll discuss later).

From its beginnings in 2000 to its current status as a favorite among programmers, Python 2 has come a long way. Python 2’s end-of-life date was January 1, 2020, with Python 2.7 being the most recent significant upgrade back in 2010.

In 2008, Python 3 — an upgrade to Python 2 — was made available, and the two versions coexisted for roughly ten years. 95% of Python developers currently use Python 3. Python 3 may be preferred over Python 2 if you’re looking for Python developers and get to know about the DSA course.

Why Use Python 2?

The goal of Python 2.0 was to increase inclusivity and coding literacy among the general public. Before it was made public in 2010, Guido van Rossum, who created the original version of the language in 1991, provided most of the support for Python. With Python 2, Rossum made Python’s advancement and development accessible to a wider developer community.

Due to a number of enhancements over earlier versions, Python 2 furthered the language’s original goal of promoting coding literacy. It has also contributed significantly to the growth of languages like Perl and Ruby, and it is currently utilized by companies like Netflix, Spotify, Reddit, Uber, and Instagram.

Why Use Python 3?

2008 saw the introduction of Python 3. With a new 2. x version, it aimed to enhance Python 2 without making significant modifications. As a result, Python 3 emerged as a distinct branch of the larger Python ecosystem. Python 3 is not backward compatible with Python 2 by design. Python users are divided between Python 2 and Python 3 based on the different use cases and their willingness to carry out difficult migrations.

Even if some Python 3 features have been added to Python 2 to make the transition to Python 3 easier, it still takes a lot of work.

What Distinctions Exist Between Python Versions 2 and 3?

There will undoubtedly be significant discrepancies between Python 3 and Python 2 because of how drastically different they are from one another.

  • Backward-compatible system: Despite the fact that Python 2 code can be somewhat successfully converted to Python 3, Python 3 does not support Python 2.
  • Syntax: Python 2 and Python 3 have comparable syntaxes, however, Python 2 is more complex and more challenging to comprehend.
  • Current usage: The use of Python 2 has all but disappeared, whereas 95% of Python developers now exclusively use Python 3.
  • Applications: Python 3 is still the version of choice for all except for a few use cases, such as mobile development and computer graphics, where Python 2 is preferred.
  • ‘Print’: ‘print’ was regarded as a statement in Python 2 but a function in Python 3.
  • Digit division: When dividing integers, Python 2 returns an integral result while Python 3 returns floating-point values (for example, dividing 9 by 4 will return 2 in Python 2 but 2.5 in Python 3).

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Python 2 vs Python 3: Which Is Better?

One can be left wondering which Python version is superior after learning about the differences between the two versions and the justifications for “staying or moving.”

Benefits of Python 3:

By all means, Python 3 is the superior of the two. Due to the considerable gains Python 3 has over Python 2, the Python 2 vs. Python 3 debate isn’t really valid.

Benefits of Python 2:

As we described previously, Python 2 does lend itself better in specific use scenarios. Python 2 is worth looking into if you deal with computer graphics, gaming, or mobile programming.

How Do I Pick the Right Python Version To Use?

Objectively speaking, Python 3 might be the better version, but you still need to assess your needs to determine which Python version is ideal for your project. It’s likely that if your company is very new, you don’t use Python 2. If so, there isn’t really any need to use Python 2 unless you’re using a few particular modules that aren’t currently Python 3 compatible.

You can continue using Python 2 and hire engineers to maintain your software if you have old Python 2 apps and don’t want to switch to Python 3 just yet. But it’s advised that you begin making preparations for the switch to Python 3 as soon as feasible. Consider using Python 3 for all future development endeavors.

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Despite having a lengthy history, Python has only undergone three significant changes in the past 30 years. For a very long time, despite Python 3’s significant improvements, most developers preferred Python 2 because it was the language used by the majority of the Python ecosystem. But things have changed.

Python 2 is no longer supported, hence the majority of libraries nowadays are written in Python 3. Although you might occasionally encounter Python 2 code, understanding the underlying differences between the two is simple. If necessary, Python 2 code can be written if you are familiar with Python 3. Check out Python 2 Vs Python 3: Know How They Differ? Try reading a Python book for beginning programmers while you finish your coursework.

