3 steps to self improvement

Bharat Sharma
4 min readApr 27, 2018


The first step to change is awareness.

Before I was a writer, I was a student. The question of staying productive through the day was a long shot for me.

Now, as a full time content writer and marketer, I strive to fill my seconds doing something meaningful, creative and productive. Something that adds value, inspires or give a message to people.

As is the case, more the number of tasks you want to accomplish, higher gets your stress level and lower gets your productivity. The cycle is endless and can even hamper your creativity and ability in the long run.

I knew I had to break this vicious cycle. One of the most common question I used to ask/answer daily was:

“How do I get better at life?”

Leonardo Da Vinci, the great painter, took nearly 16 years to complete the 'Mona Lisa's paining, an iconic price of art.

Wondering why?

Not because the painting required that insane amount of time or effort, but because Leonardo was a procrastinator (just like most of us).

The truth is - procrastination is human nature. Everyone goes through it. Many wants to overcome it but only a few get to fight and win over it.

Wondering why?

Because it is a habit. Habits are powerful. Humans are creature of habits. Although most of us are aware of our habits, only few have true control over them.

Procrastination has lot to do with our behaviour, which inturn, is a result of our habits.

Usually, it is a result of either or all of the reasons listed below -

  • Lack of Motivation : Why would you want to do something when you don’t feel motivated enough to do it.
  • Lack of Clarity : Why would you work for a goal when you aren't clear whether it's the right goal for you or not.
  • Lack of Discipline : Why would you make the right choices when you have all the wrong ones to choose from.

In order to be better, one must first understand what is the ‘exact' reason they are not there yet.

So, the next time you want to delay something that you ‘should’ do but don’t ‘want’ to, take a moment and try to find the real reason behind it.

Once you know the exact cause behind why you are a result for more bad habits than good, you can work towards breaking the loop.

If you’re in for a 2-minute hack or trick, I’d recommend you to not read any further. Because changing your behaviour and habits is not an overnight thing. I have realised this.

Wondering why?

Because being better and improving yourself is a practice which consists of the following elements:

Find Motivation : The only way to achieve something is to feel truly, completely motivated about it.

  1. Motivation is what drives people to go for their goals. If you aren't motivated to the core, you'll procrastinate. An easy hack to make motivation your best friend is to remind yourself of your goals everyday.
  2. Make lists of the stuff that motivates you, read/see it everyday and make sure to get your dose of motivation whenever you want to center yourself.

Seek Clarity : You’re much likely to stay motivated for goals that you are clear and confident about.

  1. Find things that interests you from within and work towards a goal that is genuinely yours (and not something forced down by the society or your parents and peers). Be honest.
  2. Let go of stuff and situations that will distract you from your purpose. Set realistic goals according to your personity, vision and values. Set clear priorities to achieve them.

Be Disciplined: Genius is not an act, it’s a habit of doing small steps with great discipline.

  1. Discipline your mind by focussing only on positive thinking, meditating and visualising good thoughts.
  2. Discipline your body by exercising and working out daily in a routine or doing any physical activity on a daily basis.

Start going through the above steps and focus all your energy on achieving your goals.

By finding motivation, clarity and discipline, you'll be able to take better control over procrastinating thoughts. Take time and start reinforcing these a step at a time.

This isn’t easy. But is it worth? Absolutely.

By utilising the practice of positive habits, I am working my way to a more productive and fulfilling life.

It isn’t easy. Most days it takes all it takes but the feeling of accomplishment makes me feel good.

Looking for a quick workaround hack to self improvement is equivalent to seeking instant gratification while ignoring long term happiness.

I am practicing toward building the right mindset, the right environment and the right habits to be better.

So can you.

I hope you get inspired to work towards your way to create a life that’s full of meaning.

