How to create blinking cursor effect using Javascript.

Bharat Gupta
1 min readDec 16, 2018



A tutorial for creating blinking cursor.


We will first write HTML, CSS and Javascript step by step.

Basic HTML
Create a span tag that will contain the cursor. Give the span an id of cursor for referencing it in CSS and Javascript.

<span id="cursor">|</span>

Increase font size to make cursor more visible.

font-size: 30px;

<span id="cursor">|</span>


font-size: 30px;
<span id="cursor">|</span>
var cursor = true;
var speed = 250;
setInterval(() => {
if(cursor) {
document.getElementById('cursor').style.opacity = 0;
cursor = false;
}else {
document.getElementById('cursor').style.opacity = 1;
cursor = true;
}, speed);


setInterval(function, time) method executes function repetitively after given time in milliseconds.

document.getElementById('cursor').style.opacity = 0 this line is used to change Opacity CSS property using Javascript and DOM.


Basic example of HTML, CSS, Javascript. It can be done using jquey as well.



Bharat Gupta

Software Engineer. React | React Native | Next.js | PHP | Laravel