Roadmap to Learn Linux

Getting Started:

Bharath Sodad
2 min readJun 18, 2023

Start by understanding the basics of operating systems and their components. Familiarize yourself with Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Fedora, or Debian. Choose one that suits your needs and install it on a virtual machine or a spare computer.

Command Line Basics: Linux relies heavily on the command line interface (CLI). Learn essential commands like ls, cd, mkdir, rm, and mv. Understand how to navigate the file system, create files and directories, and manage permissions.

File System Hierarchy: Get acquainted with the Linux file system hierarchy, including the root directory (/), /bin, /etc, /home, and /var. Understand the purpose of each directory and the types of files they contain.

Package Management: Learn package management tools like apt, yum, or dnf, depending on your distribution. Master the commands for installing, updating, and removing software packages. Explore repositories and package dependencies.

Shell Scripting: Dive into shell scripting using bash or another shell of your choice. Understand variables, loops, conditionals, and functions. Automate repetitive tasks and write scripts to enhance your productivity.

Networking Basics: Gain knowledge of networking concepts in Linux. Learn about IP addressing, subnetting, DNS, DHCP, and routing. Explore tools like ifconfig, ip, netstat, and ping to troubleshoot network-related issues.

System Administration: Develop skills in system administration tasks. Learn how to manage users, groups, and permissions. Understand system security, backups, log files, and troubleshooting common problems.

Services and Processes: Explore services and processes in Linux. Understand the init system (systemd, SysV, or Upstart) and manage services using commands like systemctl or service. Monitor and control processes using tools like ps and top.

File Permissions and Ownership: Gain a deep understanding of file permissions and ownership. Learn about the read, write, and execute permissions for users, groups, and others. Use commands like chmod, chown, and chgrp to manage file permissions effectively.

Remember, learning Linux is an ongoing journey. Practice regularly, experiment, and contribute to open-source projects. Enjoy the power and flexibility that Linux offers, and embrace the vibrant community for support and knowledge sharing!

