Chrome OS, A new Linux Distro

Bharat Makwana
2 min readAug 13, 2023


Chrome logo

This will not be a long story.

I will just explain how chrome OS is becoming the new Linux distro.

So Linux OS always been an option for developers when there are some major changes to windows which user doesn't like it.

And chrome OS never been one of the options because users want to move to something which respects their privacy. If you have ever used chrome OS you will find that there is no way to install third-party browsers (there is but not easy way to install third-party browsers)

After a long time, the Chrome OS team decided to split Linux and Chrome with a project called LACROS Linux And ChRome OS.” so if user would like to remove chrome or want to use some other browser, they can easily do that.

Which means there will be a base of Linux which will work on top of Wayland with its home-grown Graphics stack called Freon.


So if you know that Linux has many flavors and many variants with different DE and what not.

But one thing it lacks is standardization. There are no standards that are specified which any user will have to follow. And Google might take this opportunity and create a product which can compete with mac and Windows.

