Life is meant to be Lived.

Bhartendu Dubey
4 min readJun 15, 2020


Human Beings are indubitably the most intelligent life forms existing on planet earth. With an immense history of evolution and advancements, we have explored answers to even tricky queries with help of our developments in science & technology. But at the same time there exist some unanswered topics as well and one such topic is “What is Life?”.

Each one of us has a different meaning, purpose and way of living life. Three aspects of Human life are:

  1. Physical
  2. Social
  3. Mental
The harmony state of all three above stated factors lead to Spiritual state of well being.

We as human beings are more of a spiritual beings. We practice spirituality in our own different ways but the penultimate goal is always one; peace.

Life can be defined as the eternal journey of rich experiences of Joy, happiness, sorrow, grief, success, failures, growth & satisfaction. Life is a festival to enjoy with some challenges as a power booster!

Pillars of life

A car ride is always an enjoyable event for most of us. A car consist of 4 wheels and each of them is equally important. If any of the 4 wheels flattens, then it provides discomfort. Our Life is also like this car where it’s four wheels could be described as Personal Life, Work Life, Relationships, & Social Contribution.

4 wheels of our life.

Each of them is crucial to maintain a comfort level in our life. All 4 of them play equally important role if we wish to experience a smooth ride.

How to make decisions or tackle problems?

Each one of us face different problems in our day to day life. Many of the times there are dilemma or even complex decision making situations. We need not to panic in such circumstances. The Gurumantra for handling such situations with ease is depicted below in the “Why Worry” depiction.

Why Worry!

The above depiction makes it clear that any problem, no matter how easy/complex, could be handled with ease.

Purpose of Life

A life without a purpose is analogous to a car ride without destination. It’s the most curious question for us to explore the purpose of our lives.

It is often the trickiest job to find out the purpose of our lives! Is there any secret of a happy life?

Ikigai is a wonderful Japanese concept that essentially means “a reason for being.” It’s made from two Japanese words: iki, meaning “life” and kai, meaning “effect, result, worth or benefit.” Combined: “a reason for living.”

Self introspect yourself to explore your IKIGAI.

How to handle stress?

In today’s era, stress has become a part of our busy lives. There are multiple ways to handle stressful situations in life and to eliminate negativity.

There are a number of stress busters such as:

· Music

· Meditation

· Memes

· Power Naps

· Talking to a friend

· Hangouts with loved ones.

Many of the times, we are happy in our own life with our achievements but suddenly we look at someone else achieving even more and then feel disheartened. It’s quite human nature but at the same time a complete injustice with your own efforts if you forget enjoying your own success because of this competition. It’s not unfair to dream about achieving more but letting other people’s achievements affecting yourself is something that needs to be avoided. So, one needs to be focused on improving his/her own self rather than indulging in competition with others.

Challenges are a part of life which provides us opportunity to rise and shine. It’s up to our own mindset to either set a positive example by fighting it or to just quit and fall.

Believe in yourself, never doubt your worth.

Appreciation, joy and thanks!

Our words value a lot. Selection of most appropriate words as per the situation should be preferred to avoid any conflict/misunderstanding.

When someone helps you out, don’t forget to applaud him with a token of thank. Whenever you say Thanks to anyone, try to feel the depth of it and mean it to the most.

Try to enjoy all sorts of events of your life, whether good/bad. Celebrate your success as well as your failures so that you get a boost to improve yourself and cherish ahead!

It’s always about our mindset that how we tackle any situation in our life. We all have a lot to do in our lives but don’t forget to enjoy the essence of life while chasing your dreams.

Thus, Life is meant to be lived!

Be cheerful! Be Kind to all!

Thank you so much if you came this long while reading this blog. I believe this blog will be successful if it will help anyone battling out problems in his/her life.

This blog was inspired from my learnings of the book “Life’s Amazing Secrets” by Gaur Gopal Das Ji.

