Different Types Of Payment Gateways

Bharti pay
2 min readMar 18, 2020


There are generally three types of payment gateways:

1. Checkout on-site Gateway, payment off-site Gateway.

examine bhartipay’s payment gateway Provider: the front surface checkout take place on your website, but the settlement processing occurs using bhartipay’s back end.

“constantly employ set up payment gateway Providers, for example, bhartipay, and make sure that buyer’S credit card information is brought together right away on the mediator website, therefore, your own website is never managing sensitive payment data.”

Like redirected payment gateway providers, there exists some merit to managing your payments over there, as well as ease. except for one thing the instance above, you won’t make it control the consumers throughout experience using the payment gateway.

you are kindly during compassion high quality by the offsite gateway and its oddities.

2. On-site payment Gateways.

Large Scale Industries as is customary to use on-site payments entirely managed by themselves servers. cash register and payment procedure in the name of the client all actions over your system.

at this time benefits are turned: graciously have few more commands, in addition to it more duty.

incase manage payments on-site, by all measures counts. Because vend do have cart relinquishment approximate value 75%, made an advancement you can do as of date shopping experience capable of generating significant amendments in your downward line. this is about particularly the case by anyone merchant on the side of a large volume of sales. When you manage your payments on-site, it’s vital that you know your options in addition to your accountability.

3. Redirects Gateways.

Redirects can encompass an alternative for a bhartipay settlement, As an example.

When the payment gateway services take a purchaser to a bhartipay settlement page to manage the entire dealing (i.e. procedure and paying) it would be a “Redirect.”

this matter has the benefit of ease carry out the merchant. A micro-enterprises might utilize a Redirect gateway to include the ease and safety of a significant stage like Bhartipay, but the procedure also entails less control for the merchant — and a phase two for Buyers.



Bharti pay

Bhartipay is a complete online payment solution which makes transactions smooth and simple for any kind of business.