Wonder(ous) Woman

Bayo Owolabi
2 min readJan 23, 2016


This morning I looked out to sea and thought to myself. Women are truly wonderful.

I was thinking about home. And my ladies. Casting my mind back to those emotional moments just after delivery when a mother held her child for the first time.

I tried to imagine how different the feelings would have been. For months I had felt her moving around within the mother, it was ecstatic to finally hold her, outside, and look at her features, listen to her lusty cry as the air coursed through the lungs the first time in that frosty London theatre.

But I imagine the emotions must be absolutely more intense for the one who she lived within for almost a year. Whose heartbeat was her soundtrack for so long. It’s something only a mother can feel. She felt it and it made her cry. I still see the look when they tumble and play “oh my baby..”

It’s truly wonderous, that in this process of creation, what I had to give was a seed. And within her it would grow.

It’s truly humbling to think, with or without me that process will proceed and eventually culminate in rapture as another joined the clan of humans to continue our dominance of the rock called Earth.

Only a woman could do this. Like the one who made me. And the one who made mine.

Wonderous woman.

  • For the “ladies of the Owolabi clan”

