Drunkard Peom

1 min readMar 5, 2018

My Limo stopped in front of a Saloon Bar,

The Saloon Doors welcomes,

glasses throwed a half smile,

I snapped for kangaroo cocktail,

Those smiled glasses begged me to lessen their back burden,

I granted them the wish with my glowing eyes,

The clink of glasses assured them as well,

My first sip is more exciting than the 2nd one,

HeaVen appEared befoRe me,

I liFt my glaSs 2 NoSe to eaT tHe REst,

THe wh0le woRld shivEred wiTh feAr of me,

MeRry-go-rouND thEy plAyed wiTh Me,

AleXanDer”s soUl poSsEsseD me For a hoUr or So,

I toook thee cAab aanndd reeaaChEd hooMee saaFeely,

At the dawn I realised something happened to me at night,

I forgot my car and shoes there at the bar.

From that day I Strictly stopped Drinking 1000 times are so.




Defined Creature with Undefined Mind. At last we all end up with one Un-Answered question; "What the hell"? Mail:-bhashyam.dhileep@gmail.com