There’s No Better Time …

… Than Now

Bhaskar N Subramanian
2 min readJul 2, 2020
Clock with the world map in the background and the title NOW

If the pandemic had happened a few years back, could we have managed it to this extent? Could we have coped with it without the technology that exists today? The speed at which we are tracking the Coronavirus cases and contacts, analysing data, and taking action at global or even hyperlocal levels is remarkable. The way in essential services ramped up to ease lockdown supporting almost everything from home is astounding.

A core pillar has been the third platform technology that supports Cloud computing, Mobile devices, Social media, and Big Data Analytics or SMAC as they are called. Grid Computing, Sensors, IoT, Automation, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have given these a further boost. Agile, DevOps, Web and App Dev Tools have accelerated the speed at which new platforms reach us on our devices.

A lot of such new technology has been put to use in tracking and tackling the Coronavirus. Interactive dashboards, prediction models, research and development of diagnostic kits and vaccines, robots for a zero-touch checkup, online medical help, disinfecting with drones, distribution logistics and so on.

Many others have actually reached our homes too — e-Commerce platforms and Collaboration tools have risen to the occasion and made it much easier to stay at home, work from home, learn from home. I have never tried out so many apps in such a short span of time.

While most of this technology has become accessible and affordable, there’s a lot more to expect in the near future. I have rarely seen so much optimism emerge amidst adversity. So here’s our chance to look higher up on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and …

  1. Thank professions that we took for granted — house help, cleaning, medicine, education and defence. Gratitude.
  2. Bond with family over food and fun activities indoors or within our society
  3. Learn something new, develop a hobby, explore yourself and be happy
  4. Redesign our business ventures our workforce, and the way we work
  5. Revamp our cities, and develop business from small towns
  6. Balance natural resources and find sustainable alternatives
  7. Innovate and evaluate all new ideas

For There’s No Better Time than NOW

