How To Create Inquiry In SAP SD?

kapil singh
3 min readMar 31, 2020


SAP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD) is a center practical module in SAP ERP Central Component (ECC) that permits associations to store and oversee client and item related information. Associations utilize this information to deal with the entirety of the business requesting, sending, charging, and invoicing of their products and ventures.

Before an item is offered to the client, there are a few deals exercises that should be performed during the selling procedure. These exercises are called Pre-deals exercises. Pre-deals exercises are arranged into Inquiry and Quotation. According to the procedure, the Inquiry is from the client to the business association and the Quotation is from the business association to the client. Right now, will perceive how to make an Inquiry and a Quotation in SAP ERP/All-In-One. An Inquiry is performed before a Quotation. An Inquiry can be made by utilizing exchange code VA11 and a Quotation can be made by utilizing exchange code VA21. Nowadays, there a lot of institutions which provides SAP SD Training in Noida as well but one should definitely choose the correct institution as per their requirement and convenience.

Before experiencing the means associated with the formation of Inquiry and Quotation let us examine in regards to Inquiry and Quotation a little bit.


An inquiry is a business archive which records the data about the requests got from the client. Client enquiries about a specific item accessibility, if accessible the amount it expenses, and whether the item will be accessible on a specific date or not. It is only a solicitation from the client to the business association. At whatever point a client demands for data about an item at that point make a inquiry deals report in SAP.


A quotation is additionally a business record which is made after the formation of the request archive as a reaction to the client demand. In view of Inquiry we can make Quotation. A Quotation is a record, where a dealer offers merchandise or

Here are some steps to Create Inquiry in SAP:

Step1: Launch the SAP SD screen -Enter exchange code VA11 in the SD Master Data Screen.

Stage 2: Enter the Organization data

• Enter Inquiry type as IN.

• Enter Sales association, Distribution channel and Division.

• Click on Sales.

Stage 3: Enter the Customer and Material subtleties

• Enter offered to-gathering and boat to party address to which you are making a request.

• Enter the material number which is asked by the client.

• After entering the information click on the Save button.

• The accompanying message will be shown and then it will get saved.

By following the above instructions, you can make an inquiry .

The extent of SAP SD is very wide. SAP deals and conveyance (SD) is one of the value modules of SAP ERP(enterprise asset arranging) framework. It encases all the data with respect to client and administrations. The association manages delivery, selling, and transportation of products and enterprises. If you are looking for any kind of SAP SD Training, then you must opt for Croma Campus as it is one of the best SAP SD Training Institute in Delhi, here we, believe in providing the correct information with a hands on training by our highly skilled group of experts, to have a whole new

experience of learning and also acquiring a placement in hand, get associated with us.

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