Reviewing the CVPR 2023 best paper winners: A Balanced Examination of UniAD and VISPROG

Kiran Bhattacharyya
5 min readJun 29, 2023


Autonomous driving and visual reasoning are two areas of particular interest in AI. Two research papers, “Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving” and “Visual Programming: Compositional visual reasoning without training,” have recently been in the limelight for winning the best paper award at the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023. These papers present intriguing advancements and, while it’s important to maintain a balanced perspective, there’s a palpable sense of excitement about what these developments could mean for the future of AI.

A Closer Look at Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving

The UniAD pipeline for planning autonomous driving

“Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving” introduces a novel approach to autonomous driving systems. Unlike traditional approaches that deploy standalone models for individual tasks or design a multi-task paradigm with separate heads, UniAD integrates all tasks in a way that they contribute to the planning of the self-driving car. The UniAD framework leverages a query design as interfaces connecting all nodes, providing flexible intermediate representations and exchanging multi-task knowledge toward planning. This unique approach allows UniAD to overcome issues such as accumulative errors or deficient task coordination that might plague other methods.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of UniAD on the challenging nuScenes benchmark, a comprehensive evaluation framework used in the field of autonomous driving. UniAD substantially outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods in all aspects, showcasing its potential to revolutionize autonomous driving systems.

While the idea of a unified framework is appealing, integrating all tasks into one network presents its own set of challenges. The authors claim that UniAD can overcome issues such as accumulative errors or deficient task coordination, and while the practical implementation of such a system in real-world driving scenarios remains to be seen, the potential for a more cohesive and effective autonomous driving system is certainly exciting.

Dissecting Visual Programming: Compositional visual reasoning without training

The second paper, “Visual Programming: Compositional visual reasoning without training,” presents a neuro-symbolic approach to solving complex and compositional visual tasks given natural language instructions. This approach is embodied in a system called VISPROG.

Demonstration of the power of VISPROG

VISPROG leverages the learning ability of large language models to generate Python-like modular programs, which are then executed to provide both the solution to the task and a comprehensive and interpretable rationale. Each line of the generated program may invoke one of several off-the-shelf computer vision models, image processing subroutines, or Python functions to produce intermediate outputs that may be consumed by subsequent parts of the program.

The authors demonstrate the flexibility and interpretability of VISPROG on four diverse tasks: compositional visual question answering, zero-shot reasoning on image pairs, factual knowledge object tagging, and language-guided image editing. In each of these tasks, VISPROG performs effectively without any task-specific training, showcasing its potential to solve a wide range of complex visual tasks.

While the authors demonstrate the flexibility and interpretability of VISPROG on four diverse tasks, it’s important to remember that the system’s effectiveness is largely dependent on the quality of the generated programs. Furthermore, the system’s reliance on off-the-shelf computer vision models and Python functions may limit its ability to handle tasks that require novel or specialized solutions.

Similar Themes: A Unified Framework, Interpretability, and the Perception-Planning-Execution Paradigm

Combining VISPROG with autonomous driving perception routines…

Despite their different domains, UniAD and VISPROG share some intriguing similarities. Both propose a unified framework for solving complex tasks, integrating all tasks into one network or program. This unified approach allows for more efficient and effective problem-solving, as all components of the system work together towards a common goal.

Another shared theme is the emphasis on interpretability. Both systems provide clear and understandable explanations of their decisions, allowing users to understand how the system is solving the tasks. This interpretability is crucial for building trust in AI systems and for diagnosing and correcting errors.

Moreover, both systems follow a perception-planning-execution paradigm, a fundamental concept in many AI and robotics applications. In UniAD, perception involves understanding the environment around the vehicle, planning involves deciding what actions the vehicle should take based on the perceived environment and predicted behaviors of other road users, and execution involves controlling the vehicle’s steering, acceleration, and braking to follow the planned trajectory. In VISPROG, perception is the process of understanding the visual input (image or image pair) and the natural language instruction, planning is the process of generating a Python-like program based on the given instruction, and execution is the process of running the generated program to produce the solution to the task.

The Future of AI: Unified Frameworks and Interpretability?

The advancements presented in these papers represent exciting directions for future research. As we continue to explore the potential of AI, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced perspective. The promise of unified frameworks and interpretability is exciting, but the practical challenges associated with these concepts cannot be overlooked.

The potential applications of these systems are vast, and while their effectiveness in real-world scenarios remains to be seen, the possibilities they present are thrilling. The UniAD framework, for instance, could potentially revolutionize autonomous driving systems, and while its performance in unpredictable and dynamic driving scenarios is yet to be tested, the prospect of such an integrated and efficient system is certainly exciting. Similarly, while VISPROG’s reliance on existing computer vision models and Python functions may limit its versatility, its potential to solve a wide range of complex visual tasks with a simple “wish” is a tantalizing glimpse into the future of AI.

