Mentality in a nutshell

Mahimna bhatt
3 min readMay 8, 2024


If all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail

Source: pinterest

Ever wondered, "What am I doing with my life?" It’s a thought that pops up for many of us at least once. You might wonder, what’s the answer to this question? Is it a lack of motivation, laziness, or procrastination? These are often seen as the usual suspects. However, the real issue lies in our failure to truly understand our own problems. It might sound confusing, But just think about it what if all these problems have one root cause, well there is

“Your mentality”, the thing that helps in encompassing your thought processes, ideologies, and principles guiding your life, when you understand this you will realise that it’s not just about what you think, but also how you think right now. The present moment plays a crucial role in shaping your mindset what’s influencing your thoughts right now, and what’s shaping your perspective.


We construct our own reality

Source: pinterest

Take a look around you and think about it, every situation around you is the product of your own decision whether big or small you are the creator of this situation, every single molecule in this cosmos is affected by even a fraction of our action, so it is pretty consequential how our actions are even at the smaller set of changes, so shaping your thoughts and positive affirmations can make drastic changes around you and help you to reach your goal that is one reason to shape your mentality .

“अनुगच्छतु प्रवाह”

Change is the law of nature

Source: pinterest

Change is like an unexpected guest that shows up without warning, sometimes causing discomfort at first. However, as time goes on, you might realize its importance. If you can’t avoid it, the best thing to do is just go with the flow. Focus on what you can control and try to make it work for you. By accepting both the good and the bad in life, you’ll find more satisfaction and fulfillment.


Source: pinterest

In conclusion Live your life to the fullest don’t worry about the consequences which are out of your hands and if you are ever stuck just remember the “possibilities are endless” and you are limitless so don’t worry about the future and अनुगच्छतु प्रवाह



Mahimna bhatt

Welcome to my corner of Medium! I’m Mahimna bhatt, a writer passionate about sharing my life theories and making you a witness for my writing journey❤️