Mahimna bhatt
2 min readMay 28, 2024


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If you want to be successful in life you need to dedicate your mind towards finding your meaning of success, because your perception of your own life is a very crucial factor for your growth, or else why do you think you hear the word “self-discipline” in every other motivation video. There is a reason why you fail in the start

The first thing is vision which is how you look at this universe. Yes! Not the world but the whole universe, now I know many of you must be confused as to how the universe is affected by just one individual?

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We all have a universe within us

It’s your universe, your vision, and the way you perceive and act upon things. If you happen to do something wrong, remember that it’s your actions that led to this outcome. It isn’t god who is punishing you it’s your own actions which we call "karma."

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The second most important thing is the “approach” the way you take the first which is very important if you ask me i would say the most important step like if you think about going to gym that alone cannot guarantee you a good health matter of fact thinking about is going to do nothing until you wake up in the morning actually go!

Just think about the distance between your life and the life of a person inside the gym is just one step, that’s it. I know it’s normal enough to just show up once, consistency is also very important but think about it, how can you be consistent if you haven’t even started soo take a step



Mahimna bhatt

Welcome to my corner of Medium! I’m Mahimna bhatt, a writer passionate about sharing my life theories and making you a witness for my writing journey❤️