How to Use Google Analytics URL Builder: Step-By-Step Guide

3 min readJul 16, 2023


In the world of digital marketing, understanding the return on investment (ROI) of your advertising efforts is crucial.

Google Analytics URL Builder is a powerful tool that can help you track the effectiveness of your Google Video Ads. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of using Google Analytics URL Builder to measure the ROI of your Google Video Ads campaign.

What is Google Analytics URL Builder?:

Google Analytics URL Builder is a free tool provided by Google that allows you to create customized URLs for your marketing campaigns.

By adding specific parameters to your landing page URLs, you can track the performance of individual ads and gain valuable insights into the success of your campaigns.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Google Analytics URL Builder:

Step 1: Access Google Analytics URL Builder

To get started, open a web browser and search for “Google Analytics URL Builder.” Click on the official Google Analytics URL Builder link to access the tool.

Step 2: Enter the Landing Page URL

In the URL Builder interface, locate the “Website URL” field and enter the URL of your landing page, which in this case is your Google Video Ads ROI Calculator page.

Step 3: Define Campaign Source

The “Campaign Source” parameter identifies the source of your traffic. Enter “Google Video Ads” or any other relevant source to help you distinguish the traffic from different channels.

Step 4: Specify Campaign Medium

The “Campaign Medium” parameter represents the medium or type of traffic. For Google Video Ads, you can use “video” or “display” as your campaign medium.

Step 5: Determine Campaign Name

Choose a unique name for your campaign. This could be the name of your specific video ad or any other identifier that will help you recognize the campaign in your reports.

Step 6: Set Campaign Term and Content (optional)

The “Campaign Term” and “Campaign Content” parameters are optional and can be used to track specific keywords or different variations of your ads. Skip these steps if they are not relevant to your campaign.

Step 7: Generate the URL

After entering all the necessary information, click on the “Generate URL” button. Google Analytics URL Builder will create a unique, tagged URL that incorporates all the parameters you specified.

Step 8: Implement the Generated URL

Copy the generated URL and use it as the destination URL for your Google Video Ads. This tagged URL will allow Google Analytics to track and attribute the performance of your ads accurately.


Google Analytics URL Builder is a valuable tool that simplifies the process of tracking the ROI of your Google Video Ads campaigns.

By following these simple steps, you can generate custom URLs for your landing pages and gain insights into the effectiveness of your ads. Start utilizing this powerful tool today to optimize your advertising efforts and maximize your ROI.

