NativeScript vs React Native for Mobile App Development

Bhavik Sadhu
4 min readJan 13, 2022


NativeScript vs React Native

In this article, we’ll inspect two famous cross-platform mobile application frameworks, for example, NativeScript vs React Native, and endeavor to observe the benefits one could give in comparison with the other.

NativeScript applications are generally slow due to the fact that the framework uses one-threaded access to the native APIs of devices.

Contrary to NativeScript, React Native Apps utilize a multithreaded design that lets JavaScript and the app’s interface are run in separate threads. Along these lines, assuming you’re building an application for mobile phones where execution is the main angle, React Native is your best decision.

What is React Native? A brief outline

Overall, it’s a no-cost open-source framework that allows you to build cross-platform applications. Indeed, speaking, React Native uses JavaScript as a programming language and React library as a focal point for components. The mobile development scene twice in the year 2015. The initial time was in March when Facebook reported its iOS version. Therefore, an inspection of the Android version has been issued on Github. The community is a good example. React Native has 2083 contributors and is supported by Facebook as well.

The most popular apps are developed using React Native:

  • Facebook
  • Walmart
  • Bloomberg
  • Instagram
  • SoundCloud
  • Wix

What is NativeScript? A brief outline

NativeScript is an open-source framework that allows you to build native mobile applications. It generally utilizes JavaScript as well as CSS to render UIs and provide a native experience. NativeScript gives direct access to the native APIs of as well iOS as well as Android. With it, developers can create fully native apps similar to those created using Xcode and Android Studio.

Popular applications created with NativeScript:

  • Sennheiser
  • PUMA
  • Airbnb Design
  • MDBootstrap
  • Portable North Pole (PNP)
  • SAP

Comparison between NativeScript Vs React Native

Let’s look at some of the most important factors when we compare NativeScript vs React Native. This comparison examination helps NativeScript developers to distinguish the shortcoming regions inside their system and utilize creative techniques to work on the extent of its utilization.


It is a fact that if it comes to competition for popularity between the two platforms, React Native is going to come out as the winner. The most revered stage for application headway across every one of the ones at present being utilized consolidates Xamarin, Ionic, Flutter, and obviously, NativeScript. It is critical to understand that prominence doesn’t mean everything in the realm of business. There are other aspects that need to be taken into consideration. We must remember that Facebook created React Native, so introducing React Native to consumers and making it available was much easier.

Third-Party Plugin

NativeScript’s plugins can be downloaded from the NativeScript official website. This is one of the elements that React Native needs. The framework is dependent on third-party plugins that are hosted on external resources such as GitHub as well as repositories. It’s one of React native’s disadvantages, which can cause disruptions in discontinuation, which results in additional costs and time spent on development.

NativeScript is a native library that is derived from plugins. When it comes to React Native, however, the scenario is quite different. This framework incorporates its own component libraries, for example, NativeBase just as MaterialKit React Native to make local UIs for mobile applications.


Concerning, you could be certain that React Native and NativeScript are making a beeline for the head. There might be slight varieties in view of the kind of application that is being made, the stage utilized, and the device planned to be utilized.

Assuming that you’re looking for a definitive champ in the middle of these two choices, you’ll not run over one. Everything unquestionably revolves around which one will best suit the sort of application and stage you’re dealing with.

Development Tools

To collect an association with UI, NativeScript generally depends upon Vue.js or angular, due to its fundamental advantages of being light, is ideal to develop mobile applications.

Be aware of the fact that React Native, as well as NativeScript, can be debugged quickly using Chrome developer tools, more often referred to by the name of Chrome Dev Tools. NativeScript users could make use of Visual Studio Code While React Native developers may utilize Reactotron or the React Native Debugger.


If you are deciding between NativeScript vs React Native Be aware that while you build an application might require some modifications to your language in order to improve your application’s platform-specific efficiency and user-friendliness, particularly when you’re creating an extremely robust, feature-rich app.

Published originally on on Jan 13, 2022



Bhavik Sadhu

Hello my name is Bhavik by profession I am a Digital Marketing Executive working at TechAvidus reputed IT company in India