3 min readOct 10, 2018

Giving up on your dreams is same as giving up on yourselves.

Everyone wants to do that, Everyone can do that but there are very less number of people that actually do that. Why is this so? Why do people give up on their dreams?

There are many reasons like lack of resources, self-underestimation and many many more. But there is only one reason for following your dreams that lies within you, after all its your dream. That’s what you are supposed to do. You are supposed to fight all the challenges to make your dream come true. The waiting can seem painful but the regret of not going for it can be even more painful.

Lets scrutinize the problem here. When we all were kids, we had so many dreams and we did every possible thing to achieve them. Now what happened. What has changed? Why do we quit before even trying? Something different plays here. To explain this I am gonna tell you a story. There were two brothers, John and Harry in a village. The younger one was 6 years and the elder one was 15 years old. Once they crossed the border of village while playing. They lost the route. They were frightened. It was dark and suddenly the elder brother Harry fell down into a deep pit. His younger brother was scared out of his wits. He tried to help him. He held his hand and pulled him. He was able to help him get out of the pit. Later on, both of them found the route and came back to the village. Next day, they told everyone the whole story. No one believed them. No one was ready to believe how a 6 year old child can manage to pull a 15 year old guy. There was a wise man in the village. When he heard the story, he understood how was that possible. He told everyone that the child was able to do that because they were at a place where there was no one around. No one present around to tell him that it is impossible. That is the main reason. You chose any field and there are so many people to tell you that its tough. There is a lot of competition in this field. You can’t do that. That’s why we don’t even try. We keep listening to people. We keep on doubting us. We think that we cannot achieve our dream. So, we start making back-up plans and we get so indulged in them that we forget our original dream.

Each of us know that Steve Jobs was fired from Apple. He could have complained at that time. After all, you cannot fire an owner from his own company. But he didn’t chose the path of complaining and criticizing, instead he started working on his dreams again and he founded NeXT and Pixar — the companies that are very famous today. He always emphasized that one should follow his heart. So this elucidates the fact that situations change, but your dedication towards your dream should never change.

The first thing you need to do is stop listening to people who keep on demotivating you. You should know this and you should say this to yourself everyday,”I can do this even if no one sees it for me.” Complaining or giving up is no option. Believe in you and work for your dream. You have to make this clear in your mind that it is possible and i can get it. No one else can write your story but you.




Live life as though nobody is watching, and express yourself as though everyone is listening