Tina — Part IV

14 min readJan 3, 2018


The week went like that. By Friday Tina was more used to walking on her tip toes and being crushed by the corset. Although she couldn’t open her mouth over the weekend, she felt relieved to be able to wear her regular shoes and the girdles instead of the corset. This became her routine for the next months until she finally graduated college.

William was proud of her achievement. Her parents were too! They traveled many hours to be able to attend the ceremony. Her boss was gracious to let her wear just a girdle that day. William also gave her a well-deserved vacation. Tina chose to spend it with her family in their home town.

Meanwhile, William rented the house across the street. It wasn’t big, but would be more than enough. He ensured that it was tastefully decorated and furnished. Tina was still having a wonderful time with her family. A few times she considered to stay with them, nonetheless she was committed to honor her word. After all, she could not forget William’s help.

The month-long vacation was nearing an end when Tina bought her tickets and called William.

“Hello Bill! I booked a flight that will arrive in city Friday about 6:00 PM.” “Do you want to pick me up at the airport?”

“Of course! I’ll be happy to wait for you at the arrivals! Please send me a message with the airline and flight number.”

The message was sent and she spend her last day with her parents. Friday just after lunch they brought her to the airport. The flight went without any problems and soon Tina arrived. As promised, William was there waiting for her.

“I have a surprise for you.” William said. Tina asked about it, but instead they just had some small talk until they arrived at his office. Once the car was parked, William took Tina’s luggage and started to walk towards the street. Tina did not understand it but followed him to the opposite sidewalk. He then stopped and gave Tina a key.

“Go ahead, open the door.” He said.

She walked to the front door, unlocked it, and opened carefully.

“Well?” Step inside!”

He followed Tina in and set her luggage in the living room.

“I rented this house for you. Don’t worry about the lease. I’ll pay for it as I prefer that you live nearby. There are some clothes for you in your bedroom. I have scheduled a truck to move your things tomorrow.”

Tina was in bliss! Although that was a small and simple house it was still bigger than the tiny apartment she had lived. Much to her delight she loved the decor and furnishings.

“Come on girl, you must be wanting a rest after your travel. I’ll allow you some time to take a good bath and refresh yourself. You are invited to my house about for some pizza. Eight o’clock?”

“Yes Bill, for sure! I’ll be there.”

William left and went to his place. Tina took her luggage to the bedroom. Over her bed she found a small package with a note that said “wear me.” Tina left it on the bed, opened her luggage, picked a towel, then headed to the bathroom. There she found a nice soaking type bathtub which she started to fill with lukewarm water.

After a very relaxing bath Tina wrapped herself in her towel. She took her hair dryer from the luggage. Then spent time drying and brushing her hair. Once satisfied how it looked she sat on her bed and opened the package. Inside she found a catsuit that was similar in size and shape of all her others, but this one is made of transparent latex. She also found a red latex dress, short-sleeved, with a square neck, and hem below her knees. Underneath there was a pair of black leather knee high ballet boots.

She put on the catsuit and looked on a mirror she found installed on one of the wardrobe’s doors. Ironically, even being covered from neck down she seemed naked. Regardless of no mention about it she decided that would be nice to wear a corset. There was none in her luggage. She looked in her wardrobe but it was empty. It seemed that a corset wasn’t an option. She took a girdle from her luggage and put it on then the red dress. Seated on edge of the bed she carefully laced the ballet boots. Tina enjoyed them being knee high, as it gave her legs more support than the ankle high boots she had worn before.

Tina took some time to break her new heels. She explored her new home. There was a updated kitchen, a lovely living room, her bedroom which was a master suite, and another smaller bedroom. Behind the house there was an nice garden. The house also has a basement and a small attic.

It was half past seven so Tina crossed the street and rang William’s doorbell. He opened the door and invited her in.

“Tina, my dear, you look stunning tonight!”

“Thank you, Bill”

“So… what you think about your new house?”

“It’s lovely! I can’t believe I’ll live in a such wonderful home!”

“Ah dear, you will.”

The doorbell chimed. The pizza was delivered and William brought it to the dinner table. They had a nice dinner. Tina told stories about her vacation. William told Tina that the besides the house she has a raise in salary since she successfully graduated. After the pizza he asked her to clean her mouth thoroughly and proceed to lock it shut.

The next morning they went to her old apartment as they had agreed before. A moving crew was waiting. After her mouth was unlocked, she instructed them what are her things and what belonged to the house. While the crew did all the heavy lifting she called her landlord. He lived in the same building on top floor and was unhappy to lose a good tenant. Later that afternoon her belongings were in her new home. Tina spent that evening and Sunday tidying the house.

Monday, work started at 9 am. Now that Tina is a graduated dentist too, William let her do regular dental procedures in the patients. She did cleaning, x-rays, and filling cavities. She had a nice week. Besides having to be tight laced all day, wear a rubber catsuit, step in ballet heels, and having her mouth locked most of time… Tina had the life of her dreams. She was a dentist living in a nice house.

On Friday, William unlocked Tina’s mouth and had her sit for a chat.

“Tina, you are becoming a wonderful partner here in my dental office. I want you to know besides your compensation for being my assistant, your work as a dentist will be fully paid to you. This is not a fixed amount. You receive what we bill the patient less taxes, materials, and a small percentage for office maintenance.” Do you feel that is fair to you?”

“Sure Bill. It sounds really nice.”

“So here… your check for this week.”

Her eyes opened wide and she smiled.

“Thank you, Bill!”

“Don’t need to thank me, you deserve it. Anyway, since you gave me the right to control you, I want to introduce a new rule. Beginning now you’ll only wear ballet heels as your footwear. Not only here but everywhere. Your old shoes will be locked in a chest on my attic, okay?”

“It’s okay. I’ll do it.” Tina answered with a trembling voice.

“Good. I also need to take a mold of your ears, I’m planning another device soon.”

William then took a perfect impression of her ear canal and outer ear with some alginate. Then they went across the street to her place. He seized all her regular heels and placed them in the large bag he brought. Leaving her with only her three pairs of ballet heels.

“Don’t worry Tina, I bought more ballet heels for you, they’ll arrive next week. Before I forget… smile for me. Let me lock your mouth shut before I go.”

The weekend went well for Tina even went to the movies Sunday. She wore jeans that were long length boot cut legs enough to hide most of her boots. Paired with a long sleeve turtle neck blouse to conceal the top of her catsuit.

Tuesday William asked Tina to sit on the patient’s chair. He showed Tina a small box containing what looked like two in-ear hearing aids. He put them in her ears. With a felt tipped pen made some markings in her ear. Next, he removed the devices and proceed to pierce her ear on the markings. One in the tragus and the other in her conch. Immediately after piercing the in-ear device was inserted and he passed a barbell through both piercings. That barbel also passed through a hole in the device. The barbell was screwed shut with a little ball. William repeated this process in her other ear and after he finished Tina was completely deaf.

Tina would complain if her mouth wasn’t locked. Soon, William pushed a small button in each of Tina’s earphones and suddenly she started to hear again.

“Can you hear me?” Asked William. Tina nodded. “Good! Those devices in your ears still don’t have a name, but they work like a mix of hearing aid and Bluetooth earphones. May I have your phone for a moment?”

Tina took her cellphone from her coat pocket and handed it to William. He installed an app and paired her ear devices with the phone. He also paired them the same with his own phone. After finishing he returned the phone back to her.

He explained, “With this app you can control the volume you hear. It also has a graphic equalizer so you can adjust the sound as you wish. You can also mute all sounds. Also, you can enable the Bluetooth function to hear music and answer calls with this device. It can be very handy.”

While Tina tried the controls the app suddenly locked itself. She became deaf again. William laughed and commanded his phone to allow Tina control again.

“This is a parental lock feature. My phone is configured as the master one and I can override your settings at any time.” When William said that Tina raised her eyebrows, worried. “As it is still a prototype. I ask you to take note of any problems so we can report back to my friend that designed it. It’s supposed to be completely waterproof. We also need to test the battery life, it’s expected to last at least one month before needing a recharge.”

She spent almost an hour messing with the equalizer, but no matter how she adjusted it her hearing always sounded artificial. It felt like hearing a recording instead of live sounds. She wrote an e-mail to William reporting this issue but he answered back very quickly. That was expected, since the devices have their own tiny microphones, to pick up the ambient sound, then feed it to Tina’s eardrums. The sounds will be heard as perceived by the device’s mic, not a human ear, thus feeling artificial. She was unhappy with this but there wasn’t much she could do. At least the music quality was astonishing.

Took about three weeks for Tina start to hear a faint beep in her head during work. She reached her phone and opened the ear device’s app. The beep was a low battery alarm. Tina went to William and showed him her phone screen. He took what looked like a cellphone charger from a drawer. Instead of ending in a USB plug, the noticeably long cable splits in two. On end of each cable there is a plastic circle the size of a nickel. He gave it to Tina. She didn’t have much trouble figuring how it worked. Each end of the cable when positioned near her ear snapped to her device with a built in magnet. The charger used induction to provide power to her in-ear device and in about four hours it was completely charged. Tina heard a chime to know it was ready then disconnected all the cables and stored it back in the same drawer.

William knew that Tina couldn’t live only on soups. Most days he allowed her to have the mouth unlocked for lunch and also have a nice conversation. But some of his customers wanted to keep mouths locked for several days at time. Proper nourishment in that instance became an issue. He already had an idea of how solve this problem. So, he gave Tina the card of a Tattoo and Piercing Parlor, with instructions to her search for Vanessa on Saturday at 2 PM.

Tina did as told. Right on time she was at the parlor looking for Vanessa. Turned out that Vanessa was one of the owners of the place and was already waiting for Tina.

“Tina, William told me to do a septum piercing on your nose.” “ Are you okay with that?”

“Sure, I hope it doesn’t hurt much!”

“Don’t worry about it. Let me start…” having said that, Vanessa took a needle a pushed it through Tina’s septum. Quickly Vanessa removed the needle, replaced it with a small ring, and closed it with help of a small threaded ball.

“Looks, it matches your tragus barbell nicely!” Vanessa complimented. She also told Tina that she didn’t need to pay anything since William already has taken care of it. They said goodbye, but not before Vanessa give Tina a card with care instructions.

Monday, at the office, William explained to Tina about the problem he was trying to solve. She understood it. She agreed that have the mouth locked shut for extended time that eating properly would become an issue which is a hard predicament to endure.

William then brought a flexible plastic tube. About 60cm long and 5mm in diameter for most of its length. Near one end, for about the last 10cm the diameter increased to about 8mm. After removing her septum ring he then started to insert the smaller end into Tina’s left nostril. When the tip of tube reached Tina’s throat she coughed. William stopped pushing the tube and gave Tina a glass of water.

“Drink it. I’ll push the tube while you swallow. Just keep swallowing, okay?”

He continued as she swallowed and soon the tube was all inside Tina’s body. Using a large syringe with a tip designed to fit the end of Tina’s tube, William injected some air, while he used and stethoscope to hear her stomach. The sound confirmed the correct placement of the tube. He then held it near Tina’s upper lip with a piece of surgical tape.

In an instant William brought another tube out but much shorter. It was about 10cm in length and the diameter like the other one had its wider part. William pushed it into Tina’s right nostril. Then about 1cm from the end of each tube he installed a rather thick rubber O-ring and fixed it in place. Next, almost at the tip of each tube he made a small hole on its wall. William then threaded Tina’s septum ring through one of that holes he just made, next he pushed the tube in the final position which forced the O-ring past the nostril opening. Then he passed the ring through the septum piercing. With his steady hands he then threaded the ring through the other tube hole. He pushed the second tube in position forcing that O-ring past the nostril opening then closed the septum ring. The end result was one needed to look really closely to notice the tubes starting a few millimeters inside her nostril’s end. Thanks to her piercing they are also very securely in place.

Tina felt a strange sensation in her nose. It didn’t hurt but was uncomfortable. She also could breathe very well despite not feeling air rushing through her nose.

“Let me explain Tina. In your left nostril I installed a naso-gastric tube, ng for short. This means this is a tube that goes from your nostril to your stomach. If you open your mouth wide and look on mirror maybe you can see it in your throat.”

Tina did exactly that. Indeed, she saw the tube. Yellowish as natural rubber is, behind her uvula. William picked up a large syringe with a small rubber tube in place of the needle. The tube outer diameter was the exact size of the inner diameter of the tube installed in her nose. He then continued to explain.

“With this syringe is possible to inject any liquid direct in your stomach. Let me show you.” Then he dipped the syringe’s rubber end on a glass of water and pulled the piston to the maximum. It filled up with 100 ml of water. Then while Tina watched with full attention in the mirror, William inserted the end of the syringe on her left nostril tube. He paused showing her it was properly placed. When he slowly pushed the piston Tina could feel her stomach filling but otherwise had no taste or any other feeling at all.

“Of course, instead of water we can use any liquid diet formula. Do you understand it Tina?”

“Yes Bill, but I have some questions. First, wasn’t easier to just drink that liquid diet formula, even with the mouth closed?

“Why you don’t try?” “I have a bottle here I prepared for you to use.” He then took a small plastic cup and poured a little of the formula, then gave it to Tina. She drank it and instantly frowned.

“Water please! It’s disgusting!”

William, giving her a glass of water, saying, “So, this is one reason you can’t drink the formula. The other is hygiene. If you don’t use your mouth to drink liquid foods, a good mouthwash twice a day would be enough to keep it clean. It would be some time before you need to unlock the Teeth Locker and really clean with a brush.”

“I understand. My next question is why there is a second tube on my right nostril?”

“Good question. I thought a lot before deciding to include it. Because of the ng tube, your left nostril is unavailable for breathing. The function of the right tube is only to assure that you always have a free air path to your throat. If you had a running nose, all the mucus will stay around the tube and will not block your airway. Of course, if you caught the flu or things became real messy, it will be better to temporally remove the tubes until you get well. That is also the advice I’ll give to our clients. There also a collateral effect of this set up, since the air will always bypass your nose, you’ll sense no smells at all.”

That made Tina unhappy, so she asked, “How much time I’ll wear it Bill?”

“At least six months. Have be sure it’s safe as I planned. At the sixth month I plan to remove it, look for any problems, and maybe reinstall if needed for more trials.”

She became relieved. Six months isn’t much time. After all she has worn the Teeth Locker for about a year and half.

“My last question Bill.” “Will I be able to eat normal food, or only the liquid formula?”

“If your mouth is unlocked, yes. You’ll be able to eat anything. No problems with that. But.. maybe the food will taste different with your sense of smell impaired.” “Now. For the test be valid you will stay on the liquid formula at least 30 days in a row. I also need you to be assured… It is really enough for healthy nourishment.”

That night Tina went to sleep with her mind counting all her changes. Having the Teeth Locker device installed on her mouth… Wearing latex catsuits all day and night that seem to have become almost a second skin… Having her waist cinched with either a tight laced with a corset or in a compression girdle… Wearing only ballet heels… Her hearing controlled with those ear devices… NOW a tube to feed her directly into stomach and no sense of smell. She became terrified realizing all that was done to her, but now it was too late. Besides she gave her word and was able to endure it all without any major problems. Until now at least there has been just several small nuisances with a little discomfort. Nevertheless, she felt sure that William will always take care of her, even though he was being very firm with his control.

