The Incredible Story of Malvika Hegde: How She Saved Café Coffee Day and Created Her Own Legacy

The jaw-dropping tale of a badass woman who turned the tables, rescuing CCD from the edge of doom while building her own empire.

Bhavya Shah
3 min readJul 12, 2023
Malavika Hegde CEO, Cafe Coffee Day
Malavika Hegde CEO, Café Coffee Day

Picture this: Café Coffee Day (CCD), India’s beloved coffee chain, on the brink of collapse with a monstrous debt of over 7000 CR+. But fear not, because here comes Malvika Hegde, the kickass wife of CCD’s founder, VG Siddhartha. She took up the reins as chairman and vowed to save CCD, carrying forward her husband’s badass legacy. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of resilience, strategic moves, and a whole lot of coffee-fueled triumphs.

  1. Taking Charge and Sending a Solid Message: After her husband’s tragic passing, Malvika Hegde wasted no time and dived straight into the action. She joined CCD as the chairwoman and dropped a bombshell on the 25,000+ employees. She assured them she’d move mountains to save CCD and honor her husband’s legacy. Talk about a woman on a mission!
  2. Negotiating Like a Boss: Malvika Hegde put on her power suit and met every single lender face-to-face. Armed with her charm and determination, she convinced them to renegotiate the non-operational debt, slashing those interest payments like a pro. The result? CCD paid back a whopping Rs 1,644 CR to its lenders. Boom! Debt crisis, meet your match.
  3. Cutting Costs and Showing No Mercy: In a bold move to trim the fat and boost efficiency, Malvika Hegde gave the unprofitable coffee machines a swift kick in the you-know-where. Surprisingly, those machines were chilling in business parks where coffee is practically a religion. She trimmed CCD’s outlets from a whopping 1000+ to just 500. Debt? Down to 5000 CR. Mic drop, Malvika!
  4. A Plot Twist: The Power of Shareholders: How does our fearless heroine plan to slash that remaining debt? Simple, my friends. She decided to sell her stakes to shareholders. Malvika Hegde played her cards right and offloaded a chunk of CCD’s stake to Mindtree, Shriram Credit Company, and Way2Wealth. This genius move knocked the debt down from 5000 CR to 2693 CR. Oh, and let’s not forget the cherry on top: she raised funds from Blackstone private equity by acquiring the Global Village Tech Park in Bengaluru. It might have reduced the family’s stake, but hey, the legacy was at stake!
  5. Bean Business and Kiosk Craze: Still grappling with that hefty 2693 CR debt, Malvika Hegde got her hustle on. She struck gold by exporting top-notch Arabica beans from her massive 20,000-acre farm. Foreign countries went bonkers for those beans, and the cash started rolling in. But wait, there’s more! She introduced the CCD Value Express kiosk, popping up at highways, workplaces, malls, and even in the midst of movie theatres. Debt? Sayonara! It dropped like a rock to 1731 CR.
  6. Rise of the Coffee Empire: Fast forward to today, and CCD is ruling the coffee kingdom like a boss. They’ve got 572 cafes sprinkled across 165 cities, 333 Value Express kiosks popping up like mushrooms, and over 36,000 coffee machines fueling caffeine addicts’ dreams. All thanks to Malvika Hegde’s kickass leadership, the debt has been slashed to a mere 465 CR. Talk about a comeback story that’ll make your jaw drop!
  7. Resilience That Inspires: Beyond her superhero-like achievements, Malvika Hegde’s personal journey is a testament to her indomitable spirit. She refused to run away from the country or let the debt crush her. She took charge, raised her two kids like a badass single mom, and in just two years, turned CCD’s fate around. Today, she’s carrying forward her husband’s legacy while crafting her own inspiring tale.

Malvika Hegde’s epic journey is a reminder that superheroes walk among us. Her unwavering determination, smart moves, and love for coffee not only saved Café Coffee Day from oblivion but also catapulted it to new heights. She’s a living legend who preserved her husband’s legacy while forging her own path. So, the next time life throws you a steaming cup of debt, remember Malvika Hegde’s story and know that you have what it takes to brew your own success. Keep slaying, my friends!



Bhavya Shah

Revving up my passions and exploring the hidden gems of India - one motorcycle ride at a time!