PRD for RentEasy, a PropTech Platform: PM Case study

Hameed Bello
6 min readJul 19, 2024


Product Idea: Smart Rental Management Platform

Product Name: RentEasy


Product Manager: Hameed Bello


RentEasy is a digital solution aimed at revolutionising the rental experience for tenants and landlords in urban areas across Africa, starting with Nigeria.

The product name “RentEasy” is clear, concise, and communicates the platform’s purpose of simplifying the rental management process. It conveys the idea of making renting easier and more convenient for both tenants and landlords.

RentEasy offer features such as property listings, online applications, digital rental agreement signing, community/neighbourhood forums, and maintenance requests.

Product Features

  1. Features for Tenants:

2. Features for Landlords:

The demand for RentEasy stems from the growing rental market in urban Africa, coupled with the need for innovative solutions to address the challenges faced by tenants and landlords in the rental management process.

Executive Summary:

With a rapid urbanisation rate (4.2%) and population of 200m+ people, growing at 2.6%. Experts anticipate that 75% of Nigeria’s population is expected to live in urban areas by 2050. This shows immense potential for Nigeria’s rental landscape.

Despite this potential, the Nigerian rental market faces challenges such as lack of transparency, inefficiencies in rental processes, and limited access to affordable housing. These obstacles hinder both tenants and landlords, impacting overall satisfaction and market growth.

RentEasy aims to revolutionize the rental management landscape in urban Nigeria and seeks to address these challenges by introducing innovative digital solutions tailored to the Nigerian rental market.

Problem Statement:

In urban areas across Africa, the rental market faces significant challenges that hinder the efficient and transparent management of rental properties, leading to disparities in accessibility, affordability, and overall tenant satisfaction. Traditional rental processes are often complex, discriminatory, not-transparent and inefficient, resulting in frustration for both tenants and landlords.

Here’s how RentEasy can reliably solve the problem using these 5 key steps:

  1. Identify the problem: RentEasy identifies the lack of transparency, inefficiencies, and affordability issues in the Nigerian rental market as the primary challenges.
  2. Put the problem into context: RentEasy conducts thorough market research and stakeholder interviews to understand the specific pain points and trends in the Nigerian rental market. This includes analyzing rental processes, housing affordability data, and tenant experiences.
  3. Find the root cause: RentEasy identifies the root causes of the challenges, such as manual rental processes, lack of standardized pricing, and insufficient access to rental information.
  4. Describe the ideal outcome: RentEasy envisions a rental market in Nigeria characterized by transparency, efficiency, and affordability. The ideal outcome includes streamlined rental processes, standardized pricing, increased access to rental information, and improved affordability for tenants.
  5. Propose a solution: RentEasy develops a comprehensive solution tailored to the Nigerian rental market, incorporating features such as transparent pricing models, online rental applications, digital lease signing, community forums, and affordability tools. It also partners with local stakeholders and leverages technology to address affordability challenges and foster inclusive communities.

Business Opportunities

  • Subscription Revenue
  • Transaction fees
  • Partnership with Service Providers
  • Online Adverts

Business Process:

  1. Tenant Search and Application:
  • Tenants search for rental properties on the RentEasy platform.
  • They submit rental applications online, including necessary documentation and available times for property viewing.

2. Landlord Property Listing:

  • Landlords list their properties on the RentEasy platform, providing details such as photos, descriptions, and rental terms.

3. Tenant Screening and Lease Signing:

  • Landlords screen tenant applications, confirm property viewing time slots, conduct background checks, and references.
  • Once approved, tenants sign digital lease agreements on the platform.

4. Rent Payment and Maintenance Requests:

  • Tenants make rent payments through RentEasy’s online payment system.
  • Tenants can submit maintenance or repair requests through the platform, which landlords address promptly.

5. Community Engagement:

  • RentEasy fosters community engagement through forums and events, allowing tenants and landlords to interact, share resources, and collaborate.

6. Data Analytics and Improvement:

  • RentEasy analyzes user data and feedback to improve platform functionality and user experience continually.

Technical Considerations:

RentEasy’s platform will be delivered through a web application accessible via desktop and mobile devices. The technology stack will include front-end development tools such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as back-end frameworks like Node.js and Express.js. The platform requires secure hosting services and robust data encryption protocols to protect user information. Additionally, RentEasy will require integration with third-party services for payment processing and document signing.


  • Other competitors that exist is the conventional process of rental management which RentEasy seeks to improve.

Marketing Strategy:

  1. A multi-pronged marketing approach to reach its target audience, including digital marketing, direct mail, social media advertising, and strategic partnerships.
  2. Digital marketing efforts focusing on search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and content marketing to increase online visibility and attract users to the platform.
  3. Direct mail campaigns targeting specific demographic segments to raise awareness of RentEasy’s services.
  4. Social media advertising to engage with potential users and promote RentEasy’s value proposition.
  5. Strategic partnerships with real estate agencies and property management companies.

Project Scope:

The project will encompass the following key components:

  • Platform Development: Design and development of a web-application accessible via desktop and mobile devices.
  • Feature Implementation: Incorporation of tenant and landlord features such as property listing, online applications, digital lease signing, community forums, and maintenance requests.
  • User Experience: Prioritise a clean and intuitive user interface with easy navigation and accessibility features.
  • Business Model: Define revenue streams, partnerships, and monetization strategies to sustain the platform.

Business Model:

  • Revenue streams may include subscription fees for landlords and transaction fees for rental payments.

Target Audience or Stakeholders:

Target Market (Tenants and Landlords/Property Owners):

  1. Tenants:

Demography: individuals or families seeking rental accommodations in urban areas. This includes young professionals, students, families, and individuals relocating for work or education.

Pain points: limited access to affordable housing, lack of transparency in rental processes, difficulties in finding suitable properties, discrimination while searching for houses and inefficiencies in communication with landlords.

2. Landlords/Property Owners

Demography: individual landlords, property management companies, real estate agencies, and homeowners associations responsible for managing rental properties in urban areas

Pain points: manual and time-consuming rental processes, difficulties in tenant screening and lease management, maintenance issues, and communication challenges with tenants.


  • Market Growth: The rental market in urban areas across Africa is growing due to factors such as urbanisation, population growth, and migration trends.
  • Technological Adoption: As evidenced in our market research, there is an increasing trend towards the adoption of technology in real estate.

Hi, am Hameed Bello, a product manager, designer and business growth strategist. I am open to discussing growth on your next BIG idea. Reach out by mail to Or

