React Native is the future of Mobile Development

Bhoomika Agrawal
5 min readSep 21, 2019


Apps are getting immensely popular amongst people day by day across the globe these days. 42% of small business have already invested in their mobile app development and 30% have planned to invest in building one.
As far as the cost and time for developing the mobile app are concerned, React Native is the best choice for mobile app development, an app built with react native is high performance and cost-effective

React Native is an open-source JavaScript framework for mobile app development instituted by Facebook. It started as Facebook’s hackathon project that helped app developers to create best mobile applications with their existing JavaScript libraries.


With over 81079 stars on GitHub, React Native is a very popular framework.
It is popular even on Google Trends. You can see the following image:

Image Source:,flutter,ionic

Many popular apps are built in React Native. List of some famous apps using React Native Technology:

  • Facebook: social media and social networking
  • Instagram: Photo-sharing app
  • Skype: Video calling and messaging app
  • Walmart: Online shipping app
  • Tesla: Vehicle communication app
  • Airbnb: Hotel booking
  • SoundCloud: Online music
  • Bloomberg: News
  • Myntra: Shopping App
  • UberEats: Food Delivery App

In this article, we are taking a closer look at the future of react native in mobile development:

Helpful in tight-budget constraints : Whenever you start some business, the first thing that comes in mind is the money or budget and this is the major thing that one cannot avoid. Every business wants a faster return after investing money on it. In that case, hiring React Native Developer for mobile app development could be considered a good one option as doing this, you can save a lot of time and money.

Cross-Platform Compatibility : React Native was originally introduced for iOS. However, Because of its amazing features, Facebook developed its support for Android as well. Now, the majority of React Native APIs are cross-platform, so that developers can build both iOS and Android app through React Native, through the single codebase. It reduces the costs that would be incurred in developing separately for each platform.

Although we have one code base for both the platforms. We can customize our behaviour for each platform if it is required for some component.

  • React Native provides Platform modules and Platform-specific file extensions. The Platform module can detect the OS, and use it to define platform-specific implementations. With Platform-specific file extension, React Native can pick up the correct file based on the OS the app is running on.

Hot Reloading and Instant Live Updates : The apps you have installed in your phone need to be regularly updated to their latest versions. If that is to be for your business app with a long app store update cycle, things may turn out to be more complicated than you can think of.

With React Native, you can avoid such possible complications. This means that the developers can push the updates directly to the user’s phones. As a result, the end users can enjoy the updated version of your app in almost no time, without facing any problems related to updating its older version. With React Native, the process of updating your app is significantly streamlined.

Simple to Learn : React Native is easy to learn. It is the perfect tool for novice developers, who are new to JavaScript, as it provides a range of components, including maps and filters.

Code Reusability : Re-usability is one of the major advantages of React Native as it allows its developers to re-utilize the once written code. This feature saves much development time. Moreover, one can strengthen their existing app codes by including react-native components into their app codes.

Preferred by developers : The reason for React Native’s popularity among developers is that it is based on JavaScript which is known by most developers. For the iOS platform, you should know Swift, and Java for Android. By React Native, you should know JavaScript and its frameworks. And you can develop a mobile app for iOS & Android platforms by only one language.

Additionally, the react-native library includes a range of tools that support styling, debugging and deploying the app to the App Store or Google Play.
Besides this, the platform is developer-friendly even when it comes to modification as changes can be made even when the app is running, thereby without the need to restart. Another developer-friendly feature is that a page refreshes on reloading, which makes the process fast.

Short Development Cycle :

  • With the help of React Native, developers can build apps much faster. It has become famous among the community of the developers in a shorter time. As it is already told that react Native is an open-source framework of JavaScript, it provides various components that can be used locally and this helps the developers to work faster with at least 30% shorter development time.

UI and Performance : The combination of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are methods wisely used to write hybrid mobile applications. These applications will maintain their high performance without adjusting their capability as Reacts work independently from the UI point of view.

Big Community : React Native has a big community. You can keep all such doubts and thoughts away from your mind. That is because it has been backed by Facebook’s experts and has a sizeable community to lay a helping hand. Not just that, they are continuously improving this framework to achieve futuristic goals related to technology advancements.

  • With React Native, the app development process can be paced up to meet the goal on or even before the deadline.

Conclusion : For developers, using React Native technology for mobile app development is easy, if they have known JavaScript.
With its fast-growing community, React Native is ready to become the future of mobile app development. For business companies that are looking to get a powerful mobile app developed quickly at a low cost with effective features, React Native presents the best option. With so many developers offering React Native mobile app development services, it’s suggested to consult an experienced React Native app development company.

