Decision Making— A Crucial Step in your Success Ladder

Bhumi Shah
2 min readSep 9, 2019


The first step to becoming successful is MAKING A DECISION to do so.

Think about that for a moment. The first step to becoming a Successful Entrepreneur is to make the decision to become one. Far too often, people try to launch their Business before they are fully committed. Then, when it’s not as easy as they had hoped, they get frustrated and give up.

On the other hand, when you start with a powerful decision and solid commitment, you prepare yourself to do what it takes to achieve the success you desire.

The 4 Powerful Decision Statement Must- Haves :

Clear and Concise — Your Decision Statement should be easily understood by a 12 year old.

Memorable -You should be able to easily recite your Decision Statement from memory.

Evokes Feeling -The actual statement isn’t as important as the feeling behind it. Does it excite you enough?

Inspires Action-The best decision you can make is one that inspires you to take action, even when you don’t feel like it.

Here’s an Exercise to help you get started

#A) Create Your Decision Statement

  1. Make a conscious decision, a real declaration, about your commitment and desire to be a successful Entrepreneur

2. Ask yourself: “What decision can I make right now that will spur me into action and help me stay committed in this Journey?”

3. Memorize and Recite your Decision Statement daily- Very , Very Important

4. Post your Decision Statement somewhere you can see it every single Day.

Here are some Decision Statement Examples to get you thinking:

“I am fully committed to creating a lucrative and leveraged Ecom business.”

“I am doing this and not giving up!”

“I am an amazing Speaker who makes a huge impact and income.”

#B): Connect with Your “Big Why”

  1. After you make your Decision Statement, the next step is to get fully committed by connecting with your “Big Why”. Write at least one paragraph about the reasons WHY you are committed to your Decision Statement.

2. Why is building a lucrative and leveraged business important to you?

3. What kind of impact will achieving this have for you and your family?

4. Will this Decision Statement enable you to be the best you can be?

5. Will it give you the freedom you desire?

6. How happy and fulfilled will you feel and How will this impact others?

Invest some real time to do these Exercises thoroughly . You’ll be surprised to what your brain come up with.

I wish you Good Luck.



Bhumi Shah

Business Coach / Strategist | Mind Mapping |Marketing | Automation & Scaling. BUILDING YOU A STRONGER BUSINESS.