Milk and Honey Quotes

Bhupendra Kc
3 min readJul 7, 2019


“Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself.”Rupi Kaur
milk and honey

“I didn’t leave because
I stopped loving you,
I left because the longer
I stayed the less I loved myself.”
― Rupi Kaur

“i am a museum full of artRupi Kaur,
but you had your eyes shut”
Milk and honey

“if you were born with the weakness to fall you were born with the strength to rise”
― Rupi Kaur

“do not look for healing
at the feet of those
who broke you”
― Rupi Kaur

“you tell me to quiet down cause my opinions make me less beautiful but i was not made with a fire in my belly so i could be put out i was not made with a lightness on my tongue so i could be easy to swallow i was made heavy half blade and half silk difficult to forget and not easy for the mind to follow”

“The kindest words my father said to me
Women like you drown oceans.”
― Rupi Kaur

“Every time you
tell your daughter
you yell at her
out of love
you teach her to confuse
anger with kindness
which seems like a good idea
till she grows up to
trust men who hurt her
cause they look so much
like you.”
― Rupi Kaur

“i am water

“stay strong through your pain
grow flowers from it
you have helped me
grow flowers out of mine so
bloom beautifully
bloom softly
however you need
just bloom”
― Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey

“how you love yourself is
how you teach others
to love you”
― Rupi Kaur

“Our backs tell stories
no books have the spine to carry”
― Rupi Kaur

“people go but how they left always stays”
― Rupi Kaur

“for you to see beauty here
does not mean
there is beauty in me
it means there is beauty rooted
so deep within you
you can’t help but
see it everywhere”
― Rupi Kaur

“what is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives”
― Rupi Kaur

“you might not have been my first love
but you were the love that made
all other loves seem
― Rupi Kaur

“The thing about writing is I can’t tell if it’s healing or destroying.”
― Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey

“how is it so easy for you to be kind to people he asked milk and honey dripped from my lips as i answered cause people have not been kind to me”
― Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey

“the world gives you so much pain and here you are making gold out of it
- there is nothing purer than that
― Rupi Kaur,

“i have what i have and i am happy i’ve lost what i’ve lost and i am still happy — outlook”

“my heart woke me crying last night
how can i help i begged
my heart said
write the book”
― Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey

