Why You Need Maintenance Management Software For Your Business

Bhupendra Choudhary
3 min readJan 3, 2020
Maintenance Software — FieldCircle

If you are into the business of offering maintenance and repair services, then you very well understand the intricacies involved in managing the complete service cycle.

A lot of data is to be maintained, too many coordination and communication at multiple touch points comes into play, field workforce needs thorough monitoring, effective reporting is to be maintained, on-time delivery of service, all these are the key areas that required to be handled in a precise way to enhance the profitability of your business. So, what is your support system to manage these jobs?

Nowadays, we are likely to find some IT solution for all problems. However, choosing a smart IT solution is important. You may have an account management software to handle your accounts, similarly to monitor your workforce, their attendance and performance you may have an employee management software.

But managing multiple databases from multiple dashboards, is it a smart IT solution? Don’t you want one common platform to handle multiple aspects of your business? So, the smart IT solution for your business is maintenance management software.

As the name suggests, these software programs are specifically designed to facilitate the management of jobs related to maintenance and repair services. Following is a brief on how these types of software can be utilized by different departments of your business

Maintenance Management Software- How it is Useful for the Manager?

  1. The key responsibility area of a manager is to ensure the optimum utilization of staff by rightly scheduling the jobs among them. Before job scheduling, he has to take into consideration many aspects such as customer availability, service engineer’s availability and his proximity to the job’s location, the feasibility of on-time service delivery, etc. Then, he also needs to record the attendance and maintain a timesheet on productive time spent on the job, etc. Using maintenance tracking software, he can get easy automated solutions for all the above-mentioned types of jobs.
  2. The software is apt to maintain all the pre and post record of service, and thus the manager can easily access the consolidated data at the time of need
  3. Using the software, it becomes a lot easier for the manager to present to his senior management reports about business metrics.
  4. The smart analytics of the app supports smart analysis of the business, based on sales target, cost estimation against allocated budget, profit earned, customers’ feedback, service engineer’s performance, etc.

How it is Useful for the Service Engineer?

  1. Reporting to the manager gets hassle-free and transparent with features like GPS based attendance, quick and easy communication and coordination with the manager, under surveillance invoicing at customer sites, etc.

How it Helps in Managing Accounts?

  1. The software can keep records of all bills & invoices and can easily be integrated with third-party accounting tools.

How is it Useful for the Customers?

  1. By facilitating effective job-scheduling, prompt reporting, smooth coordination and communication, these types of software provide minimum turnaround time for jobs from service request till invoice generation.
  2. Considering the comfort of customers and their preference for ‘pay on delivery’, the invoices can be generated at the customer site only.


The most highlighting factor of maintenance management software is that it is all-in-one software to support various management jobs of a maintenance and repair service business.

Thus, everything can be accessed from a centralized dashboard and likewise, a centralised database can be maintained. Plus, it offers automated solutions to the jobs that otherwise will be highly complicated if done manually.



Bhupendra Choudhary

Business Head of FieldCircle— a leading field service management software company.