10 Reasons Why your Code Always Works (Except When it Doesn’t)

Shishir Bhurtel
3 min readMar 30, 2023


Photo by Nate Grant on Unsplash

As a programmer, you’ve probably experienced the frustration of spending hours (or even days) trying to fix a bug in your code. But have you ever stopped to consider why your code always seems to work flawlessly, until it doesn’t? Here are 10 possible reasons why your code always works, except when it doesn’t:

  1. Your code is possessed by evil spirits: You may not believe in ghosts or demons, but sometimes it seems like your code has a mind of its own. Maybe there’s a glitch in the Matrix, or your computer is haunted by a vengeful spirit. Who knows?
  2. Your code is allergic to certain users: Maybe your code is just picky about who it works for. Maybe it only likes users with a certain browser or operating system. It’s like your code has developed an allergy to certain types of people.
  3. Your code is a rebel without a cause: Your code may have started out with good intentions, but now it’s developed a bit of a rebellious streak. It wants to break free from your rules and do things its own way.
  4. Your code is lazy: Sometimes your code just doesn’t feel like doing its job. It’s like it’s on strike, and you have to convince it to get back to work.
  5. Your code is too smart for its own good: Your code may be so advanced that it’s developed a consciousness. It’s like a child genius who’s bored with normal schoolwork and wants to solve advanced equations instead.
  6. Your code has a sense of humor: Maybe your code is just messing with you. It’s like that friend who always pranks you, except your code is much less funny and much more frustrating.
  7. Your code is trying to teach you a lesson: Maybe your code is like a strict teacher who wants to teach you a lesson about the consequences of your mistakes. It’s like it’s saying, “See what happens when you don’t comment on your code properly?”
  8. Your code is a drama queen: Your code may be overreacting to small problems. It’s like that friend who always makes a big deal out of nothing.
  9. Your code is going through a midlife crisis: Your code may be feeling a little lost and uncertain about its purpose in life. It’s like it’s going through a midlife crisis and needs to find a new direction.
  10. Your code is just a little bit broken: Okay, let’s be real. Sometimes your code is just broken, and you need to roll up your sleeves and get to work fixing it.

So there you have it — 10 possible reasons why your code always works, except when it doesn’t. Whether your code is possessed by evil spirits or just needs a little TLC, remember that you’re not alone in your programming struggles. Keep calm, carry on, and don’t forget to back up your code!

