Bhushan Satyal
2 min readApr 4, 2018


Now a days in India “Women are narrowing the gender gap” — initially, this statement invites celebration almost everywhere in the country. The government has, at various stages, clearly indicated its interest in eliminating gender gaps that have been a problem to the social and economic integrity of the country.

Let us talk about the growth of Indian women in wrong ways such as what im talking about now is the women who are smokers. In India now there is a tradition between the working women that the women who smokes maintain their status in society. Casual and social smoking is on the rise among young working women across metropolitan cities in India. “The growing passion of smoking among women employees is due to peer pressure. Several employees frequent go hookah bars to unwind, while others smoke in either the office corridors or washrooms. While a lot of women admitted to smoking, cases of passive smoking bothered several other women. Enjoying a smoke comfortably with their colleagues, this is certainly a disturbing trend.” Some of them women revealed they smoked casually, perceiving it to be ‘cool’ factor, and said it gave them a feeling of attractiveness and independence. We can now see women employed in all fields not only in clerical jobs but also in I.A.S., I.P.S. and Indian Air Force.

Now days Indian women is more attracted to western tradition.We should not forget our own culture and be so much modernized. In the modern times, women in India are given freedom and rights such as freedom of expression and equality, as well as right to get education. Unfortunately, that doesn’t change the ground reality completely. So you all think that between then and now a considerable progress would have been made in how women are perceived across the country.

