3 min readMar 26, 2024



Bhutan, nestled in the majestic Himalayas, beckons travelers with its breathtaking scenery, rich culture, and emphasis on Gross National Happiness. But is this mystical kingdom suitable for a family vacation? Absolutely! With a little planning and the help of a reputable travel agency for Bhutan, you can create an unforgettable adventure that will leave your kids with lifelong memories.

Planning Your Bhutan Family Trip

  • Consider the Age of Your Children: Bhutan is a great destination for families with children of all ages. However, remember that transportation can involve long drives and some hikes require a bit of stamina. For very young children, focus on sightseeing in major towns and shorter hikes. Older children can handle more adventurous activities.
  • Choose the Right Time of Year: Spring (March-May) and autumn (September-November) offer pleasant weather with clear skies, perfect for sightseeing and outdoor activities. Summer (June-August) experiences monsoon rains, but some areas like Paro valley remain relatively dry. Winters (December-February) are cold, especially in higher altitudes.
  • Work with a Travel Agency: Bhutan enforces a Sustainable Development Fee, which includes a daily minimum tariff and a visa. A travel agency will handle these logistics, secure necessary permits, and plan an itinerary that caters to your family’s interests and pace.

Bhutan with Kids: Activities and Experiences

  • Immerse yourselves in Bhutanese Culture:
  • Visit majestic Dzongs (fortress-monasteries) like Punakha Dzong and Tiger’s Nest (Paro Taktsang).
  • Immerse yourselves in Bhutanese art by witnessing intricate mask dances (Cham) or learning traditional papermaking techniques.
  • Spend a day at a farmhouse, experiencing rural life and interacting with friendly locals. Many travel agencies for Bhutan offer farmstay experiences as part of their family packages.
  • Embrace the Great Outdoors:
  • Hike to breathtaking viewpoints like DochuLa Pass, offering panoramic vistas of the snow-capped Himalayas.
  • Take a scenic ride on the Dochula Pass, spotting prayer flags fluttering in the wind.
  • Younger children might enjoy exploring the serene Dochula Botanical Garden, bursting with colorful flowers.
  • Unleash the Inner Explorer:
  • Visit the National Folk Heritage Museum to delve into Bhutan’s rich history and traditions.
  • Explore the fascinating Trashicho Dzong, the seat of the Bhutanese government in Thimphu.
  • For a unique experience, visit the National Postal Museum and learn about Bhutan’s quirky stamps.

Keeping Your Kids Entertained

  • Pack Light Activities: Be prepared for downtime during long drives or while waiting at monasteries. Pack games, books, and coloring supplies to keep younger children occupied.
  • Embrace Local Cuisine: Bhutanese food is generally mild, with influences from Tibetan and Indian cuisine. Opt for Ema Datshi (spicy cheese and chili peppers) or Shakam Shakam (dried beef with radish) — many dishes can be prepared milder for children.
  • Learn a Few Phrases: Simple greetings like “Tashi Delek” (Hello) or “Thank You” will go a long way in connecting with locals and adding a fun cultural element to your trip.

Additional Tips for a Smooth Family Vacation

  • Pack Layers: Bhutan’s weather can vary depending on altitude. Pack light clothes for lower areas and warmer layers for higher altitudes. Rain gear is also essential, especially during monsoon season.
  • Bring Comfortable Shoes: Expect to do a fair amount of walking, so comfortable walking shoes are a must.
  • Be Patient: Things move at a slower pace in Bhutan. Embrace the relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Bhutan: More Than Just a Vacation

Bhutan offers a unique opportunity to bond with your family amidst breathtaking scenery and a culture that prioritizes happiness. With careful planning and the help of a reputable travel agency for Bhutan, your family adventure in the Land of the Thunder Dragon will create lasting memories and a newfound appreciation for a simpler way of life.

