How to gain weight quickly ?

2 min readJul 6, 2023


  • The best foods for weight gain usually contain plant and animal protein, fats and oils, complex carbohydrates, and dairy products made with whole milk. What you should eat, however, depends on your specific weight and health goals. For some people, gaining weight or adding muscle can feel as difficult as losing weight is for others.
  • The best way to healthily gain weight is to consume more calories than you’re burning by eating a variety of nutrient-dense healthy foods. Even though processed foods are high in calories, they don’t have the health benefits and nutritional value compared to real, whole foods.
  • Eating more frequently. Slowly begin to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals during the day.Choosing food with lots of nutrients. Set up a routine to eat and drink things you like and that have a lot of nutrients…
  • Try smoothies and shakes. Avoid beverages with few nutrients or calories, such as diet soda. But a blend of Homemade protein smoothies.
  • Prebiotics and probiotics can treat conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, allergic infections, and even the common cold. These capsules are effective for treating inflammatory arthritis. If you want to reduce obesity-related issues, having sufficient amounts of prebiotics and probiotics can be beneficial for your health.
  • Substances that you normally cannot digest, such as fiber, come under prebiotics. These are consumed by the good bacteria present in your gut. While you may take prebiotics and probiotic capsules, you should be aware that there are many foods containing prebiotics.
  • Prebiotics and probiotics can treat conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, allergic infections, and even the common cold. These capsules are effective for treating inflammatory arthritis. If you want to reduce obesity-related issues, having sufficient amounts of prebiotics and probiotics can be beneficial for your health.

