Types Of Music That Will Increase Your Productivity

Bhuwan Dahal
5 min readAug 14, 2020


Music drives you. It wakes you up, it gets you pumping. And, at the end of the day, the correct tune will chill you down.” — Dimebag Darrell

Songs aren’t merely a method of fun ourselves: it can also encourage imagination and also allow us to be a lot more productive. Playing music can also be therapeutic, relieving emotions of pressure and that means that you may concentrate better on your work.

When you listen to music you enjoy, the brain releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, which makes you feel good, and reduces stress and anxiety.

Here are the Advantages of Listening Music:

  1. Music Improves Your Mood
  2. Lyrics Reduce Mental Performance
  3. Music Improves Work Performance
  4. Music Makes a Repetitive Tasks More Pleasurable
  5. Music Familiarity Is Best for Focus
  6. Listening to Music Between Tasks Could Boost Productivity.

For me Music is Oxygen.

Music types that increase your productivity

Studies have found that one form of audio can be beneficial to us while we all work. Some varieties of tunes seem to assist with mastering and increase our ability to approach info. Other styles help block distracting background noise. Another types sync with our brain waves induce”eureka occasions “

So, if you’re struggling with productivity and want to know what you should be listening to, read on. These are the six types of music that will give you a major boost in productivity.

Video Game Soundtracks

It may look peculiar, however listening to music written for game titles is sometimes an excellent way to help your productivity at office. Every part of the video game is designed to create an improved gaming experience for all you senses, and the music was composed specifically to allow you to focus on your own process without being diverted by a cacophony of sounds.
Choosing the right video game soundtrack to work to is all about understanding what type of music motivates.

As an example, if you’re the sort who gets amped and focused listening into high profile music, then rhythm game soundtracks, for example those from Thumper or even Klang, may do the job nicely. But for those who require serene to concentrate, the calm soundtracks from exploration games, like ABZÛ and trip, will do the trick. With thousands of games releasing every calendar year, including several separate names, there’s a soundtrack to suit everybody’s ear.

Check This Article for 100 + video game soundtracks of all time

Your Favorite PlayList

Nothing can beat your favorite music. When it has to do with tackling endeavors that you’re not quite enthused about, it can help put on tunes you enjoy. Research has discovered that gaining your preferred type of music can improve your disposition and endurance.

Research show that personal choice in music is important when deciding what to listen to while working, especially for those who are moderately skilled at their jobs

The only time this didn’t hold true is whether the new music participants listened to was distracting, such as for instance having a defeat which had been too lyrical or fast which caught their attention.
So, the next time you need to plow through a mountain of paperwork or stay focused on a task, try turning on your favorite tunes.

Classic Music

One of the most frequently cited studies related to music and productivity is the “Mozart Effect,” which concluded that listening to Mozart for even a brief period each day can boost “abstract reasoning ability.” The study — led by researchers Gordon Shaw, Frances Rauscher, and Katherine Ky — employed 36 Cal-Irvine students who were divided into three groups. Group one listened to a Mozart selection, while group two listened to a relaxation tape, and group three endured 10 minutes of silence. After the listening activity, all 36 students were issued the same test, in which the Mozart group averaged an eight-to-nine point increase in their IQs, compared to the remaining groups.

Nature Sounds

The cognitive response to the sounds of nature have been shown to result in increased productivity, improved overall mood, and deeper relaxation. For decades, people have been retreating to nature for a sense of calmness and clarity. Whether that is the beach, mountains, rainforest or desert, the sounds of water, wind blowing through the trees, animals like crickets and birds, and other nature-like tones have comforted mankind for many years. While many of us don’t have the same access to a long-term daily connection with nature as our ancestors once did, the ability to utilize relaxing music can certainly help reap its great benefits.

Cinematic Music

An intense film score can make you feel like you’re doing something inspiring or important, even if you’re just chipping away at your to-do list. A grandiose, epic soundtrack playing in the background may make even the most mundane tasks feel like you’re changing the world, thus heightening your concentration and productivity.

Cinematic music scores can be empowering, lifting your spirits and brightening your mood. So, if you’re feeling tired and drained, try listening to some epic-style cinematic music to give you that extra boost of motivation.

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White Noise

White noise works by reducing the difference between background sounds and a “peak” sound, like a door slamming, giving you a better chance to make productivity. If you have difficulty in work, creating a constant ambient sound could help mask activity from inside and outside the workspace.

Instrumental Songs

Middle Tennessee State University researchers Carol A. Smith and Larry W. Morris discovered that students who listened to “sedative” music during a test scored higher than those who listened to lyrical music. (That somewhat contrasts their initial findings 39 years earlier, which showed that while music didn’t reveal an impact on test scores, those who listened to “stimulative music” showed a significant increase in worry and highly emotional reactions.)

Music types that decrease your productivity

For the reverse effect, the experts agree that the music genre that negatively impacts productivity is also largely based on preference. If an individual does not like a genre, it will result in distraction and less productivity.

The pros agreed that diverse projects are influenced differently by songs. Different activities are positively influenced, as long as they’re regulated by the prefrontal cortex of the brain. This includes planning, organizing, paying interest, managing instincts and also the memory — that the ability to carry newly learned advice in the ready.

In general, the clear presence of audio will not favorably affect productivity, however it also is dependent upon many different things. Which exactly are their own preferences? Are you currently listening to tunes you like? What are you really currently performing? Could be your tunes the ideal overcome, and also simply how much care would precisely the lyrics require? That can appear to be a challenging blend of facets to master, but after you make the appropriate playlist to meet your tastes, then you can begin to see a change in your own productivity and efficacy.

More than 60% of average people listen to music while working but wrong music can decrease their productivity. So, choose the above music types that might help your performance skill.

