Understanding Kubernetes Storage: Examples for Practical Use Cases

Bhuwan Mishra
3 min readAug 30, 2024


Kubernetes provides a robust mechanism for managing storage through the use of StorageClasses. StorageClasses allow for dynamic provisioning of PersistentVolumes (PVs) and enable administrators to define different types of storage with varying performance characteristics.

StorageClasses help simplify the management of storage resources by abstracting the details of the underlying storage infrastructure and automating the provisioning process.

Key Concepts

  • Provisioner: The component responsible for provisioning storage volumes. It defines the storage backend and its parameters (e.g., AWS EBS, Google Cloud Persistent Disk).
  • Parameters: Specific settings for the provisioner that dictate the type and characteristics of the storage (e.g., disk type, IOPS).
  • ReclaimPolicy: Determines what happens to a PersistentVolume when it is released from its claim (e.g., Retain, Delete).
  • VolumeBindingMode: Controls when volume binding and dynamic provisioning should occur (e.g., Immediate, WaitForFirstConsumer).

Here’s a simple example of a StorageClass definition that uses an AWS EBS (Elastic Block Store) provisioner:

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
name: fast-storage
provisioner: kubernetes.io/aws-ebs
type: gp2
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
  • provisioner: Specifies the storage backend to use (kubernetes.io/aws-ebs for AWS EBS).
  • parameters: Defines the storage type (gp2 for General Purpose SSD).
  • reclaimPolicy: Specifies what happens when the PersistentVolume is released. Delete means the volume will be deleted.
  • volumeBindingMode: Immediate means the PersistentVolume is bound to the PersistentVolumeClaim as soon as it is created.

Advanced StorageClass Example with Multiple Parameters

For more complex storage needs, you can define additional parameters. For instance, here’s a StorageClass for Google Cloud Persistent Disks with custom parameters:

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
name: high-performance
provisioner: kubernetes.io/gce-pd
type: pd-ssd
replication-type: none
reclaimPolicy: Retain
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
  • provisioner: Uses Google Cloud Persistent Disk (kubernetes.io/gce-pd).
  • parameters: Defines pd-ssd for high-performance SSD disks and replication-type: none.
  • reclaimPolicy: Retain means the PersistentVolume will not be deleted and will need manual intervention.
  • volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer delays binding until a Pod requests the volume, which helps with scheduling constraints.

Dynamic Provisioning

Dynamic provisioning allows Kubernetes to automatically create PersistentVolumes as needed, based on the StorageClass configuration. This is particularly useful for workloads with varying storage requirements.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: my-pvc
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 5Gi
storageClassName: high-performance
  • storageClassName: Specifies which StorageClass to use (high-performance in this case).
  • resources.requests.storage: Requests 5Gi of storage.

When this PVC is created, Kubernetes will automatically provision a PersistentVolume using the high-performance StorageClass parameters.

Common Use Cases for StorageClasses

  • Performance Tiers: Different StorageClasses can represent different performance tiers (e.g., SSD vs. HDD). This allows you to match storage performance to application needs.
  • Backup and Recovery: Define StorageClasses with different replication and backup policies to meet backup and recovery requirements.
  • Cloud Provider Specifics: Tailor StorageClasses for specific cloud providers, leveraging their storage offerings and features (e.g., AWS EBS, Azure Disk, Google Cloud PD).
  • Custom Storage Requirements: Define StorageClasses with custom parameters to support unique storage needs, such as specific disk sizes or IOPS.

Managing StorageClasses

To view existing StorageClasses in your cluster

kubectl get storageclass

To get detailed information about a specific StorageClass:

kubectl describe storageclass <storageclass-name>

To delete a StorageClass:

kubectl delete storageclass <storageclass-name>

Note: Deleting a StorageClass does not affect existing PersistentVolumes or PersistentVolumeClaims.


StorageClasses in Kubernetes provide a powerful mechanism for managing and provisioning storage dynamically. By defining different StorageClasses, you can meet various storage needs, from high-performance SSDs to cost-effective HDDs. Understanding and utilizing StorageClasses effectively allows you to automate and optimize storage management in your Kubernetes environment, ensuring that your applications have the right storage resources for their needs.

Whether you’re setting up a new Kubernetes cluster or managing an existing one, mastering StorageClasses will help you leverage Kubernetes’ full potential in managing persistent storage.



Bhuwan Mishra

A freelance writer specializing in DevOps and Cybersecurity who turns technical jargon into accessible, actionable content