First Day Ironhack UX/UI Bootcamp Remote

2 min readMar 31, 2020


Today was a very exciting long day. It was my first day of the UX/UI Bootcamp at Ironhack and I was able to practice my visual note-taking during class time.

Here are a few topics we covered today:

Design Thinking

Intro to user research & UCD (user-centered design)

User center design process

Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Research Spiral

We also did a fun activity called the toast challenge. We had to draw our steps to making a toast to analyze the different perspectives we all have when designing. Doesn’t sound too complicated right? Well, we later understood that individual has their unique ways of doing things, what’s obvious to you isn’t necessarily the norm for others. The purpose of this assignment was to understand that together we can create great things. Collaboration creates multiplication.

If you’d like a deeper understanding of the challenge, watch this Ted Talk on wicked problems.

(Excuse the poor drawing, we were given a 5 min timeframe to complete the task)

Up next our first wicked problem.

We were given what’s known as a “difficult” problem as our first project to complete by the end of the week. As you can see from the picture above, my classmate and I started working on our lean canvas for our brief.

My takeaways for today was being reminded that I’m not my user, using sticky notes can help rearrange your storytelling sketches, and failing early means falling forward. I know this Bootcamp is considered to challenge, but I will be developing my mind as I go through every session, assignment, and project. It takes dedication and focuses to start a career in this desirable field, I’m determined to see how far this knowledge will take me in the tech industry.

