STFU Bernie Sanders! And Sit Down!

Bianca Delarosa
2 min readNov 1, 2017


Here we go again with this shit. Since July 2015, when Bernie Sanders was first interrupted at Netroots, he and ‘his revolution’ have spent an unholy amount of time telling black people, women, and any other community he offends that, “You didn’t hear him right.”.

Now, I had no idea that after 36 years of living, I would suddenly have need of thousands of white strangers on the internet to translate what ‘Old Man River’ said about people who are not straight white men. My ears and eyes work perfectly fine, and I also seem to have gained the ability to read for myself about 33 years ago. Let’s take a look at what the “Great white hype” of black liberation had to say this week, shall we?

I have no problem with him calling to fight back against Trump on his constant attacks directed at communities of color, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and the environment. What I do have a problem with is his constant otherizing of anyone who is not a straight white male. The SECOND I noticed that he literally said that ‘equally or MORE important’ (than women, LGBTQ, Blacks, Latinos) are the ‘bread and butter’ issues that ‘ORDINARY’ Americans care about, I was hit with a mob of sensitive Ordinary white males.

Ordinary in the Bernie Sanders revolution means white, and it always has. And if Bernie makes a mistake, ‘Ordinary Americans’ will race to tell you that YOU were the one who was mistaken. Perfection, thy name is Bernard.

Shut the fuck up. I am sick and damn tired of having sad white boys in my mentions crying about the constant oppressions Bernie Sanders has to deal with at the hands of women and minorities. From rigged, to robbed, to woulda won; these arrogant idiots have no qualms about jumping right into some business that has nothing to do with them. Shut the fuck up talking to me about what Bernie ‘really’ meant. And you know what? Bernie needs to stfu too. If he cannot handle making a statement that doesn’t erase or deny normalcy or ‘ordinariness’ to women and minorities, then it is time for him to take his self home and sit there quietly. It is not our job to edit his statements in order to make them not seem racist, sexist, or homophobic; it is his job to stop fucking offending every group that refused to vote for him.

